Chapter 13: See You In a Month

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*the next day*

I woke around 10:30am and its saturday. This is like 6:30am on a monday way too early for my taking but I'm already wake so its whatever.

I decided to make me some cereal so I walk downstairs to the kitchen.

And we I got there I immediately went to the pantry to see a note from my mom that read.....

Nat, I went to run some errands and we won't be back for a while...I took Bella so its okay and I left money from you in the cookie jar...have fun DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN


After reading the note I made my cereal walked back upstairs and I facetimed Matt on my mac book.

Nataly- whats up Espinosa *smiles*

Matt- whats up Garcia

Nataly- Soooooo


Nataly- I here you going to magcon

Matt- yup and I-

He cut off by a voice talking in the backgound.

"Im talking to Nat"He chuckled

Nataly- Matt who are you talking to..

Matt- Carter

Carter- correction MR.CARTERR *jumps on my Matt*

Matt- fat ass...

Nataly- Catthew is rising I MUST TWEET ABOUT THIS!!

Matt- Umm....

Nataly- kidding.

Matt- for a moment I thought you were a fangirl and I don't wanna stop liking you

Nataly- what *chucking*

Carter- the cat is outta the bag now *chucking*

Matt- Carter shut up!!

Nataly- *laughs*

Matt- Nataly I meant to say....umm...I umm

Nataly- Matt!!

Matt- yea?

Nataly- Shut up...*giggles* I know what you meant like a best friend chill!!

Carter- he doesn't tell me he loves me

Nataly- Carter Shut up

Carter- well then...

Matt- yea like a best friend...

Carter- yea right

Nataly and Matt- CARTER!!

Carter- I know...shut up... *gets off of Matt*

Matt- he's with Dylan next what did you wanna tell me..

Nataly- I HATE Shawn right now...

Matt- why babes

Nataly- not only did he take Jacky to OUR spot and say he found it himself but he gave me a crappy apologize which turned into an arguement just because he was leaving for a month...

Matt- so my advice didn't work...sad face...

Nataly- did you just say sad face???


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