Chapter 7: Someone Knows

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January 1st , 2014.

I woke up to my phone buzzing , and to my surprise it was from Shawn, just kidding no surprise. I mean I have more friends they just don't text at 7:00 in the morning after a damn party.

Baby Boy 🙈💕: Hey...

Baby Girl✨💘: Shawn why aren't you sleeping its 7 in the morning

Baby Boy 🙈💕: I know I just got a text from Matt

Baby Girl✨💘: And why isnt he sleeping

Baby Boy 🙈💕:  its like almost 12 in Virginia

Baby Girl✨💘: yea but its 7 here

Baby Boy 🙈💕:  Shut up😂😘

Baby Girl✨💘: I'm still waiting for the reason why I got woken up by you😂

Baby Boy🙈💕: Oh yea I forgot about that...Matt wanted me to give you his number he wanted to ask you something

Baby Girl✨💘: ok whats his number

Baby Boy🙈💕: 7034756623

Baby Girl✨💘: ok thanks text you later

Baby Boy🙈💕:  bye

After texting Shawn, I got in the shower trying to prevent the hangover before it comes.

I feel like shit .

When my lovely shower was over, I put my hair up in a messy bun, Throw on a white oversized sweater, black and white leggings, and some brown uggs. Throwing on my glasses.

Then I finally put Matt's number in my phone, immediately texted him to see what's going on

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Then I finally put Matt's number in my phone, immediately texted him to see what's going on .

Garcia✨😘: Mattyy what did you wanna tell me!!

Espinosa😷💗: ahh Nataly Ive been expecting you *spins around in chair holding a cat*

Garcia✨😘: you're so weird😂😂 what do you wanna tell me

Espinosa😷💗: more like tell but I wanted to ask you lol um
message 2 : so you and Shawn huh haha ? How's that .. and uh is it still real ?

Garcia✨😘: of course I'm going out with Shawn? weirdo 😂

Espinosa😷💗: well at magcon you were about to say going to say best friend

Garcia✨😘: he's my best friend 2 lol

Espinosa😷💗: are you dating tho?

Garcia✨😘: well um no

Espinosa😷💗: you guys broke up ????

Garcia✨😘: no..

Espinosa😷💗: Alright I'm officially confused Nattie😂😂

Garcia✨😘: more like "fake" dating
message 2 : long story short he didn't know how to say no to this girl back at our school

Espinosa😷💗: Im not sure if I should laugh or not..
message 2: Fuck it Im laughing😂😂😂

message 2: pls don't tell

Espinosa😷💗: don't worry baby girl I won't💞

Garcia✨😘: thxs Espinosa💞💘 gotta go

Espinosa😷💗: np Garcia, peace✌

Aftet I got done texting Matt, Heather woke up.

"Ugh my head" she got up holding her head

"Well hello to you too"

"My head hurts like a bitch"

"I'd expected that to happen you were passed out when they carried you in here" I chuckled


"You threw up on my floor.."

"oh my god did I do anything else"

"Oh and you were grinding on Isaac"

"WHAT THE FU" she got cut off by my mom walking into my room

"You guys look like death , are you okay ? " my mom asked.

"Yes mama..I was just telling her to take a shower and she refuses" I reassured.

"Oh well, Nataly isn't wrong" She said holding her nose playfully while walking out, earning a laugh.

"I hate you right now" she playfully said while getting up

"No you love me"

"Sadly sighh"

"No but seriously though take a shower" I said giving her Tylenol before taking two myself.

"Yeah, I stink" she laughed after grabbing my water bottle and walking into my washroom.

"The sweet aroma of your puke !" I nodded as she flipped me off.

When she got out she brushed out her hair and she put on my blue shirt and some grey sweatpants with a pair brown uggs and she put on her glasses also.

When she got out she brushed out her hair and she put on my blue shirt and some grey sweatpants with a pair brown uggs and she put on her glasses also

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Getting breakfast, we just watched Netflix and got on our social medias the rest of the day...


This chapter is just a filler chapter for the next one.....hope you enjoy...

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