Chapter 16: Awkward Dinner

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(Theres more to it now)

"Welcome Family and Jacky" I smiled letting them in. (A/N she called Matt family..friendzoned deep😂)

And I hey's or hi's back letting them in.

"Where's Shawn" Jacky asked me.

"Upstairs but were about to get started eating so can you bring him and Carter down they won't listen to me" I said helping Aaliyah set the table.

"I wonder why" she mumbled but not even though because me and Matt heard her.

"What did you say"


"What did you say"

"I didn't say anything"

"Oh I thought you did" I fake-smiled.

"Im going to go get Shawn and Carter"

" go do that" I said blankly looking at her and she basically ran upstairs.

When she was out of sight Matt and I busted out and started laughing.

"You looked at her like you wanted to kill her" he laughed.

"You heard what she said *I wonder why*" I minicked her.

"She doesn't sound like that" he laughed harder.

"I don't care" I laughed.

But we forgot Aaliyah was there.

"You don't like her do you" Aaliyah said

"Its complicated" I shrugged.

"How complicated it saying you don't like my brother's new girlfriend" she chuckled.

"You're smart" I said

"Well no duh" she said. And then we all started laughing.

"What's so funny" Jacky said walking downstairs causing us to look at each other and start laughing harder.

"Seriously" Shawn said and we laughed harder.

"Oh my bob" Carter said and we just continued laughing.

Then Our parents(Shawn and Nattie) came in to tell us dinner is ready and our laughing died down as we walked to the table.

"What are we having" Heather asked me rudely.

"Food." I blankly said sitting down and Matt and Carter just laughed.

"Mrs.Mendes what are we having" She said in her *sweet voice*. Fake ass.

"Burgers and Spaghetti" Mom #2 said and Jacky nodded.

"Shawn, sweetie do you want hamburgers or spaghetti"

" Both mom"

"How many burgers"





"Same as Shawn please..."


"Same as Shawn Momma Mendes"

"What about you Nattie"

"Same as Shawn please" I said and she nodded leaving.

"You're seriously going to eat that Nataly" that bitch....I mean Jacky asked at me.

"Yea I am....what's your point" I snapped at her.


"I said---" I started but got cut off my Shawn.

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