Chapter 12: YOU BRUNG HER TO OUR SPOT/ I lost my best friend

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*After School*

Last bell just rang and I am literally dreading going to Shawn's house today I decide to walk the long way which was passing through Shawn and I's place.

-10 min later-

I was walking through the park when I decided to go visit our spot for a while before I got home.

So that's what I did.

I was walking towards the spot when I heard talking.

"Shawn its beautiful up here" the voice said. And thats when I knew Shawn brought Jacky too our spot.

"Not as Beautiful as you" Shawn said.

As decided to walk closer to our place.

"'re so cute" she blushed.

"I know" he answered in his valley girl voice flipping his imaginary long hair.

"You found this place by yourself" she giggled. I swear if he said he did I'm going to freak out.

"Yup." he smiled messing with her hair and that's when I freaked.

"SHAWN NOT ONLY DID YOU BRING HER TO OUR PLACE BUT YOU LIED AND YOU FOUND IT KNOWING DAMN WELL WE BOTH FOUND IT YOU.... MALDITO IDIOTA TE ODIO SHAWN" I yelled pulling him out of the tree..( A/N what she said was you fucking dumbass...I hate you Shawn in spanish)

"What the hell Nataly" he yelled at me getting up.

"Dont you dare what the hell took her to our one secret spot that no one knew about.....that we promise we won't show to anyone you showed her out of all the people in the got damn world you showed her" I yelled at him pointing to Jacky and pushing him.

"Nataly I--"

"Save it I don't care anymore do what the hell you do anymore....after taking my sister to your house Im done" I shouted walking away.

"Nataly I--" Jacky started but I cut her off.

"Jacky its ok you didn't know" I faked-smiled and finished walking home.

Shawn POV

Then she left... I think I just lost my bestfriend.

"Shawn what the hell" Jacky said coming closer to me

"Baby Im sorry I wanted you to be impressed"

"Don't you baby me Shawn you just lied to me and not only that you broke the rule" Jacky looked at disappointed she looked like my mom. Ew.

"Jacky Im sorry please don't be mad at me..I already have my best friend mad at me"

"Ok fine...but you're not off the hook" She said putting her finger up..just like mom.

"I can live with that" I smiled then I kissed her.

"Go get your best friend back Shawn" she said ruffling my hair.

"Okay" I said then I ran to my house. You are probably wondering why am I going to my house instead of hers....well she did say she was coming to my house to drop off Bella today so thats when I'll talk to her.

(A/N I forgot what her little sister name is but for now name its Bella...comment if I'm wrong or not)

When I got home, I ran up to my room and decided to call Matt.

Matt- whats up

Shawn- I screwed bad Matt

Matt- wow. not even a hi back

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