Chapter 17: Exposed?!

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"Holy Shit it's cold" I yelled making Shawn laughed.

"Here take my jacket"

"No...I don't wanted you to be cold"

"Its not cold I'm just always wearing a jacket you're cold because you're cold because of your wet...just take my jacket."

"Are you sure"

"Yea Nat" he smiled.

He so cliché but it's cute.

"So...about that talk I owe you" I said walking towards Shawn.

"Yea" he said nervously. Only he could make that cute.

"What did you wanna tell me silly" I said coming closer to his face and he just look relieved causing me to laugh.

"Right what I wanted to tell you" he rubbed the back of his head

"Shawn why are you so nervous" I chuckled tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Because I--" Shawn started but I got cutt off by my phone started ringing.


Nattie- hello

Mom- hi sweetie I just wondering if you are okay..Matt called and I wad wondering if you were okay.

Nataly- yea mom I'm ok. What exactly did Matt say.

Mom- he just ask if you were here or did you come home crying or anything..

Nataly- why would I come home crying

Mom- I don't know..well we'll finish talking about this when I get home okay.

Nataly- okay bye mom.

Mom- bye.

And then I hanged up my phone. Shawn just gave me a confused look.

"I'll tell you later...Shawn can I go yell at Matt real quick" I asked hopeful he would be mad at me.

"Umm yea sure" he smiled but I knew it was fake.

"Thank you I promise I will make it up to you" I smiled shaking my head.

"Okay" he said and he walked towards his bench on his porch. I felt bad that I blew him off again but to be honest I'm afraid to hear what Shawn was going to tell me. I got snapped out of my thoughts by me yelling Matt.

"MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA" I yelled at him walking closer.

"You're in trouble dude" Carter said walking behind me laughing.

"What did I do" Matt said chuckling.

"You fucking call my mom asking if I came home CRYING Lee" I snapped making him to stop laughing and him looking down.

"Look Nat I'm sorry its just that usually when you talk to Shawn it becomes an arguement. I know I should've done that but I was worried" He said and I changed my expression on my face.

"Oh" I said siting on the couch next to him.

"Awkward" Carter said siting next to us.

"Sorry for asking your mom if you were okay" Matt said

"Sorry your worrying you" I answered.

"And I'm sorry" Carter said

"What are you sorry for" Matt and I said at the same time.

"This" he said and with that he smack cam the crap out of us.

"CARTER MCCOY REYNOLDS" I shouted running after him and Matt chuckled running behind me.

"How do you know my middle name" he said running out the house.

"Your mom told me" I chuckled still running behind him and Matt laughed.

"You can never trust my mom with not saying my middle name" He yelled running. (A/N same Carter)

"I love your mom" I laughed but then I remembered I had to talk to Shawn so I stopped and walked to Shawn. (A/N the lotion isn't there anymore.)

"Sorry Shawn..Carter smack cam me" I laughed.

"It's whatever...." he snapped.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Nothing Nataly"

"You and I both know that's a damn just called me Nataly"

"It's nothing wrong with calling you Nataly"

"Yea it is if you only call me that when your mad at me which has been a lot lately"

"Yea maybe if you didn't do shit to piss me off" he snapped. (A/N lowkey sounds like a pissed Sammy Wilk)

"Like What" I snapped but soon realize I fucked up.

"Kissing my BEST FRIEND"

"correction almost" 

"what makes it any better"

"Because I DIDN'T kiss him" I snapped

"so what you were about too if I never walked in on you guys"

"wasn't going to kiss him like I said over 1000 FUCKING TIMES"

"  whatever I don't care "

"Says the guy who bring it up"

"shut up"

"I'll shut up when you tell me why you care so fucking much" I snapped.



Im really sorry that I haven't updated in almost week I had writers block and I had to get ready for school. I go back on the 28th. And I'm sorry for the short crappy chapter and I didn't make it better by having a really crappy cliffhanger.

-Diovian :)

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