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I. Inmortal - Marina & The Diamonds

"I'm forever chasing after time, but everybody dies, dies. If I could buy foerever at a price I would buy it twice, twice. But if the earth ends in fire and the seas are frozen in time, there'll be just one survivor, the memory that I was yours and you were mine"

II. Shelter - Birdy

"I still want to drawn whenever you leave. Please teach me gently on how to breathe. And I'll cross oceans like never before so you can feel the way I feel it too. And I'll send images back to you so you can see the way I feel it too. Maybe I had said something that was wrong, can I make it better with the lights turned on?"

III. Take control - Kodaline

"Take control of who you are, say the same don't let them change you. Take control of who you arecause ain't nobody going to save you. Take control of who you are when the world is getting stranger. Take control of who you are, stay the same don't let them change you. But when it comes apart, when it comes apart to start again and open up your heart take control of who you are"

IV. God knows I tried - Lana del Rey

"Sometimes I wake up in the morning to red, blue and yellow lights. On Monday they destroyed me but by Friday I'm revived. Put on that hotel California wear my blinders in the rain I've got nothing much to live for ever since I found my fame. God knows I live. God knows I died. God knows I loved. God know I lied. God know's I lived. Begged, borrowed and cried. God knows I lost. God gave me life. God knows I tried"

V. Till it happens to you - Lady Gaga

"You tell me "hold your head up, hold your head up and be strong cause when you falls you gotta get up, you gotta get up and move on" Tell me how the hell can you talk? How can you talk? Cause until you walk where I walk it's just no joke!"

VI. Hurts like hell - Fleurie

"Dreams fight with machines inside my head like adversarie. Come wrestle me free, clean from the war. Your heart fits like a key into the floor on the wall. I turn it over, I turn it over but I can't scape. I loved and I loved and I lost you and it hurts like hell"

VII. I was so sure - Former Vandal

"Breathe, that's what they're telling me, but I just can't calm down. Grieve, I know it's what I need, but I just don't know how. All these voices get so loud but they still can't drown the sound of me knowing this is all my fault"

VIII. My demons - Starset

"They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling. They're all around me circling like vultures. They wanna break me and wash away my colors. Take me high and I'll sing, oh you make everything ok. We are one in the same, oh you take all of the pain away. Save me if I become my demons"

IX. It's in her eyes - Manicanparty

"I can't read her, she hides behind a smile, does she think about it in the back of her mind? And when she cries, does she try to find the piece of her that went missing over time? Call her up, tell her that it's all okay. It's in her eyes, she lost her way"

X. Warrior - Beth Crowley

"You take me by the hand, I question who I am. Teach me how to fight, I'll show you how to win. You're my mortal flaw and I'm your fatal sin. Let me feel the strings, the pain, the burn under my skin. Put me to the test, I'll prove that I'm strong. Won't let myself believe that what we feel is wrong. I finally see what you knew was inside me. All along that behind this soft exterior lies a warrior"

XI. Girl you're alright - Paul Otten

"Hey, hey, girl you're alright and you don't have to try. Hey, hey, you're a welcome surprise, you're the butterflies dancing on my insides. Oh my, oh my. Let me feast my eyes on yoy girl cause you're alright"

XII. Until we get there - Lucius

"What do you say? Is this the time for one more try to happy life? So what do you say? Is this unwise to think my fears will not reprise?


No es un capítulo, pero es que me he animado a hacer una playlist con canciones que tienen relación a la historia y a Sharon.

Personalmente son canciones que me súper encantan y en cada una de ellas hay una parte muy íntima de mí. Así podéis conocer un poco mis gustos y a Sharon, las cuales le queda muy bien.

Hay mil canciones más que me habría gustado poner pero tampoco es plan de hacer una lista infinita.

Os dejo en comentarios el link de la playlist para que podáis escucharla en youtube, porque vale la pena. Además están muchas de mis queens (aka Marina, Lana, Gaga y Birdy).

Decidme cuál os gusta más, si ya las conocíais, si os parecen raras, si os ayudan a saber qué podrá pasar en la novela, etc.


-Mina Vega, xx

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