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Jin's POV

"Give me back my drawing!" I cried trying to reach for it as Mark only raised it higher. I pouted as he passed it to Jackson then BamBam away from my reach. It was currently recess and Mark, Jackson, and BamBam thought it was a fun idea to mess with me today. They always picked on me for some aparent reason which I never understood why. Of course me being the weak one used that as their advantage.

"Aww is poor Jin gonna cry to his mommy? Oh that's right you don't have one" Jackson laughed causing the others to laugh too. I couldn't help but let tears escape my eyes. It hurt too much.

"Look he's crying! Let's teach him a lesson about being a pathetic little coward huh?" BamBam smirked. They all nodded and started to kick and punch me all over. That only caused me to cry harder as no one dared to help me. They were all too afraid or just didn't care.

"Hey! Stop that!" an unfamiliar voice yelled.

Once they stopped what they were doing I looked up and saw a boy I never had seen before.

"Aye mind your own business punk" Mark told this mysterious boy as he approached him. This boy, I still don't know the name of, was a lot taller than him. He was scary and imitating.

"Watch your mouth kid before it gets shut for you" he warned pressing his face closer to Mark's. Mark moved back a little as Jackson and BamBam stood beside him. I almost wanted to laugh at how scared Mark was but decided against it.

I really wanted to know his name.

"Maybe you should watch your mouth and look at who you're dealing with" Jackson snarled. My heart skipped a beat as the boy laughed showing his hidden dimples. My cheeks grew red at how cute he looked.

Jin now's not the time.

"You guys are too funny. I'm already starting to like it here. Now leave him alone or I'll make sure you do" he said in a deep tone sending chills up my spine. The boys ran off leaving me here with mystery boy.

"Are you alright?!" he ran over and stared at me with his dark yet calm eyes. I just nodded my head in response seeing as I couldn't speak.

"Aish! Why do you let them bully you around eh?" he smiled punching my shoulder playfully, in a calmer tone. I let out a groan as it hurt where he pushed me but couldn't help but smile back at his beautiful smile.

"Ah sorry! My name is Kim Namjoon by the way."

"K-Kim Seo-Seokjin" I blushed at my stuttering voice.

"Kim Seokjin, I promise to protect you from those mean little bullies from now on because that's what friends do" Namjoon stated as he picked me up from the ground holding me steady.


"Promise" he reasurred. "Hey Jin is this yours?" Namjoon asked picking up my drawing that was now covered in mud. I whimpered as I nodded.

He called you Jin.

"They to-took it away fr-from me" I said sniffling.

"Jin don't cry! Here look .... all gone you see" Namjoon smiled as he wiped my paper on his jacket.

"Ah Joonie you didn't have to do that" I smiled looking down so he couldn't see my flushed cheeks.

Control yourself Jin!

"I didn't want to see you sad so it was worth it. Now let's go play!" Namjoon shouted grabbing my hand and leading me towards the playground.

I could get use to this.

Hello again my lovelies!
So how was the first chapter so far? This is just like a mini flashback on how they met and how Jin grew feelings for him ^.^

I don't know when I'll update again but it'll probably be soon!

Please comment and tell me how I'm doing :)

Bye bye now x

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