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I'm gonna try 3rd person pov so let's see how that works out 👀


"You have your cell?"

"I literally called you to drive me to school so obviously I do."

"Oh right. How about that pepper spray I bought you just in case you ever got in trouble for whatever reason like today that I can't be there?" Namjoon said turning slightly to look at his boyfriend who was annoyed at all the silly precautions he was taking.

"No because I don't need it! You're picking me up so there's no need to worry babe. It's not like Mark and I are gonna be alone either way and I'm pretty sure Hoseok is gonna be there with Youngjae" Jin tried reassuring him.

Namjoon stopped the car as they arrived at the front entrance of the school.

He sighed as he said "Baby I just don't feel good leaving you alone with a person who has bullied you for half of your life. I kind of trust Jackson a little more than Mark even though he did the same at some point but he's shown he's changed. I'm not sure about Mark."

Jin understood because he wasn't sure if he himself even trusted him fully. He still wanted to give him a chance as he feels that everyone deserves a second chance at life.

"I'll be careful Joonie. I love you" Jin replied as he comforted his distressed lover in a hug and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too. Forever..."

"You're so damn cheesy!"

"Just finished it please!"

"And always" Jin smiled blowing him a kiss before rushing to his first period class as he was running a little late. Namjoon smiled wide as he left for his anger management classes.

School went pretty slow it just being Tuesday but Jin was glad it was finally over. He was ready to go home and call Namjoon for cuddles but had forgotten he was away and he himself had a project to do. He whined and pouted making his way to the front of the school. I saw Hoseok and Youngjae holding hands which I thought was a cute sight.

"Hyung! You're coming with us right?" Hoseok shouted as he noticed me.

"Yep where's Mark and the rest?" I asked as I walked towards them.

"Oh Mark went to go get his truck since he parked a little far and he didn't want us to walk" said Youngjae entangled in Hoseok's hands. Smiling at the sweet gesture Mark did for them he didn't think he was so bad anymore. "There he is now! Let's go!"

Walking with the Youngseok couple to his truck Mark gave him a small smile as Jin sat in the passenger seat. Day6's I Smile was softly playing on the radio as Mark started to drive off back to his apartment. It seemed as if Jin and Mark were the only ones in the vehicle as Youngjae and Hoseok were in their own little world smiling and laughing at each other.

"Sorry I made you wait the lines are always crazy after school" Mark spoke with a low chuckle.

"I wouldn't know since I mostly walk or take the bus at times" Jin replied.

"Hey if you ever need a ride you can just ask" said Mark as he gave him a quick smile.

"Oh no that's fine but thanks. Namjoon has a car remember?" Jin said amused.

"Right." Mark didn't like whenever he was mentioned. Jin then talked about the project and what they could incorporate into it. Mark couldn't help but let a smile escape on his lips as Jin's eagerness tugged at his heart. He wished he could keep him there forever and he planned to.

Finally arriving at Mark's apartment, Youngjae and Hoseok basically laid on each other on the couch as they were both dreadfully tired from the long school day. Jin wished he could do the same with Namjoon but obviously they both had to do things. Instead he walked in Mark's old familiar room and sighed as he set down his backpack near Mark's bed not knowing if he could sit. Mark noticed as he let out a small laugh.

"You can sit. You've slept in my bed before anyways" Mark said as he jumped on his bed and closed his eyes for a second. That was true. Jin just found it weird not being at his own apartment and didn't know if he could do the same things he did in his, here. Siting down, Jin was going to reach for his backpack to take out his notebook but he was pulled down falling next to Mark.

"Lay down with me for a bit. I know you're tired so as a friend I'm telling you to rest." Jin didn't know how to reply but got up immediately as soon as he felt Mark's arms wrap around his waist.

"We need to start working" Jin said rushing to get his things out as he ignored the sad boynext to him. Jin didn't want to come off as rude and he knew it was a friendly gesture but Jin just wanted to be cautious as Namjoon wanted him to be. So for the rest of the time the two boys worked on their project, Mark being extra quiet than usually. They finished just in time as Jaebum brought Chinese takeout for everybody.

"Hi Jin hyung! There's a plate for you come sit" Bambam shouted patting the seat next to him indicating for Jin to sit there. Jin sheepishly went and sat giving a nervous smile at the six boys who smiled at him nicely, Hoseok was one of them but he always smiled. Jackson was there too but he gave me a glare probably because I had forgotten about his advice. Mark grabbed his plate and sat down in front of Jin digging straight in. Jin dismissed it and ate in silence hearing stories the boys have had during their childhood. He was curious about Mark's but he never said anything, drifting off in his own world.

6:38 PM

Namjoon should be getting here soon.


Wow really soon.

Jin checked his phone waiting for Namjoon to text him he was outside as he always would but there was no text. 'He probably forgot' JIn thought.

"That's probably Namjoon. I should walk you out" Mark said he quickly cleaned himself upand stood up. Nodding, I gave my leftovers to Jaebum as he had bought for everyone else but himself.

"He can go out himself. He's not a baby Mark" Jackson said with a mouthful.

"No but he's my friend"Mark replied back with a bit of a harsh tone.

Holding out the door for me I said a quick 'thank you' and 'goodbye' before heading out the door. There was an awkward setting as we were heading downstairs. I sighed knowing he was still hurt about earlier and stopped him.

"Look Mark...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or for whatever I did. It's just that so much happened between Namjoon and I and well I don't want to do anything that doesn't feel right. I know we're friends but I can't be affectionate towards you. I hope you understand" I said staring at the ground.

Mark chuckled "I understand Jin, don't worry."

Jin sighed in relief glad that there wasn't any tension between them anymore. Mark opened the door for him and let Jin go first. Looking around, Jin couldn't spot Namjoon's car anywhere. Maybe the honk wasn't for him.

"Jin behind you!" Mark yelled. Jin got confused and looked over at Mark who was struggling in a man's grasp before a cloth was put over his mouth. Jin then felt a strong grip over his body and tried screaming for help but was soon covered by a cloth that put him to sleep. They were taken into a car and sped off just before Namjoon got there excited to see his boyfriend. Little did he know of the events that had just occurred.


Do I know what I'm doing with my book? Probably not but it's ending soon 💀

The next chapter will be longer so that means I'm gonna take long to update lmao I'm sorry junior year is a bitch

Wish me luck rip.

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