Me and the Morning

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I woke up. I felt really good now that my pain was gone. I checked the time.


Hmmm...still pretty early. Maybe I should get ready. I have to clear the misunderstandings. I felt really sticky. I smelled like sweat. I checked myself and found some dry blood on my lip. I tried to touch it. Ouch. It's still painful even though it healed already. I looked at the mirror. I saw a beat-up girl with stormy hair. She looked hideous.

Ugh, I hope that Jared didn't saw me like this.

I went to take a bath. I scrubbed my body. I have to present myself with okey-ness so they can all relax. I used one of my strong shampoo and soap to hide the smell of mix sweat and dried blood. I hope the blood's not visible. I hope I don't smell.

I dressed and readied myself. Although it's still early, I went to the kitchen. There I saw Nora, preparing breakfast. I tried to hide my presence but she already noticed me. She came hurriedly to me.

"Ah, Ms. Wrenise. I heard that you're still injured" she said while examining me.
"No, I'm already fine." I saw her preparations.
"Is that egg?!"
"Umm...yes?" she said, uncertain about my sudden behavior.
"Can you make a sunny-side up? Ahh~ how I really miss that."
Ever since I was a kid, I really liked sunny-side up eggs. I don't know why but something about it made me feel nostalgic.

She was obviously surprised. The look on her face really showed it. She nods and prepare the eggs. Ohh, how nice.

"Can I help you?" I asked.
"No, Ms. Wrenise. It's my job. I feel bad that I'm getting money from you and making you do my work."
"Please~ I really want to do it" I used my puppy dog eyes. She really struggled when I did that. In the end, she gave up.

I went beside her and got the eggs. It's been a while since I last cooked. I think that I cooked for someone before...Ouch, my head hurts. I can't remember. When it was finished, Nora readied the table. I sat on my chair and ate my breakfast. Yum~ Even though I might not look like it, I'm good at cooking. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I opened it. BLUEODDS01 appeared on the screen.

Good morning! You must be eating your breakfast by now 😀

I replied. How did you know? I haven't even opened my Messenjer.
I heard Nora cleared her throat. Oops. I touched the send button. I hurriedly finished my meal. Nora cleaned up and assisted me through the door. This time, I didn't forget my bag. It's pretty early so Sebastian's not here yet. I need to think about what happened yesterday. I suddenly had an idea.

"Nora, tell Sebastian that I'm gonna walk today." I said.
"A-are you sure? You're still injured"
"It's just scratches." I need to think about how to convince her. I suddenly had an idea.
"I also want to exercise. I need to have a strong body, right?" Yes!
"O-ok then, Ms. Wrenise" She finally entered the building. Phew, now I'll have the time to think about it. I continued to walk.

Why am I kidnapped? Is it for money? Is Aki Ortiz behind it? Who's the person who saved me? So many questions troubled my mind. I suddenly felt shivers.

I didn't notice it but the morning was cold. Mist was roaming in the street. It's like something will suddenly appear at one of the corners. I looked around. No one was insight. No vehicles were running. Street lights were turning on and off. How strange.

I felt someone was following me. I tried to walk fast but no matter how fast I am, so is the shadow. Now, I'm running. My legs were tired but I kept running. I'm having trouble of keeping my breaths. When I think I lost them, I stopped and sat at a nearby bench. I was panting like crazy. After a minute, a hand grabbed my mouth and hands. I tried to scream but I don't have the voice. The running made it harder for me to scream. The grip was tight so my consciousness is slowly fading. The pain from yesterday returned. It really hurts. When I thought hope was lost, a warm light made me come back to reality. The hands released me.

I fell to the ground, coughing. I tried to look at the peron who came.

It was Aki. Aki Ortiz.

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