Me and the Doors

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I woke up with an unbelievable headache. I found myself in the same white room. I felt a crumpled paper in my bed. There was letter written on it. It says:

Dear Ms. Wrenise Collins,
You may go to your regular class today. Your new schedule will start on Monday. Also, you can visit the Chemistry Lab anytime when you're ready.

- Mr. Luke Steel

I checked the date on my phone. Hmm... It's already Friday and it's...... already 10!

I quickly got up and searched my bag. Luckily, the room was white so I immediately found my things. When I was about to get out, my stomach suddenly rumbled. Ugh... I should eat first.

I saw a tray of bread and soup at the table beside the bed. When I saw the soup and smelled it's sweet fragrance, I felt like melting. No... There's no time to eat it.... Bummer....

I picked up the bread instead and opened the door. Before I left, I sneak a quick glance at the room. I just noticed that it only contains a bed, a single table and a chair. All covered in white. There were no windows. Although there were no windows, I just felt the same. Neither hot nor cold. Just normal temperature. Maybe I'll add these to my questions.

I didn't think any further because I was already late in my second period. When I came out of the room, there were only a straight yet long hallway. I kept on running to the other door. I don't know but maybe it took me 15 minutes to reach it. I took a little rest and opened the door. Now, there were more doors. They were lined up in letters and numbers in plates. There were A7, H3, M1 and so on. I tried to run at the end of the hallway but more doors appeared. What's up with this place?!

A few minutes passed and I decided to enter a door. I was running late so I had no choice. I entered a door with a "K2" plate. There appeared a single door. I went through it but I returned to the white room. What?! No way?!

I tried multiple times but I failed and always ended up in the white room. I was panting heavily because I can still feel some pain left at my recent encounters. Oh no! I'm gonna be late! I checked the time. Huh? Odd. Only 6 minutes passed. I felt that an hour had passed already!

I decided to try again. When I stood up, the letter fell to the ground. There were words written at the back. I picked it up and took a closer look.

PS. When you come out, there will be infinite doors waiting for you. Remember your goal and never stray from that path. Balance is what leads us out of confusion.

What? That's it? No more clues?! At least, give me the correct door! Sometimes I think that the weirdness of Mr. Steel and Ms. Hillary are the same.

I tried to contact someone but there were no signal. I let out a deep sigh. I tried again one more time. This time, I observed the doors carefully. I noticed that the letters changed in the ninth door. The numbers were in a 1-9-2-8-3-7-4-6-5 sequence. I returned to the white room to find more clues.

I just remembered that Mika's with me so I tried to open her. The battery was dead. My luck might have ran out.

When I returned the tablet from my bag, I felt something bumpy. I turned the tablet around and saw three colors and a number. Great! This might be the clue that I'm looking for!

The colors were gray, white and black. Below the colors were the numbers 9, 3, and 6 respectively. Multiples of 3, huh?..... I can't think of anything! I checked the time again. Only 3 minutes have passed. Why is it that the longer time I thought I wasted, the shorter the the real time gets?..... Maybe, time is also a clue?

I went outside to the multiple doors and I noticed that both 6 and 3 repeat at the last door. The time also has 6 and 3. Hmmm... According to the clue from the tablet, the number 9 was also there so maybe....if we add 6 and 3, 9's the right number?!

Suddenly, the infinite doors disappeared and four doors remained. It was doors A9, B9, G9, and H9. the numbers are down.... All I have to do is to look for the right letter.

I took out the letter and read it again. That's when it strucked me. The words from the last sentence was the clue all along! Balance is what leads us out of confusion. Balance. The symbol of Yin and Yang. And the door that looks like it is..... G9! When I thought of it more, I just realized that the colors and numbers from the tablet were also the clue. G for Gray and the number below it, 9.

I opened the door and a white light blinded me.

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