Me and Song

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Ugh, what's this feeling? The way she said HIS name made me feel gloomy.....It's not like we're talking about the same person here....Also, it's impossible! They lived 5,000 years apart!...

"He was very kind and brave" she said. Ok, case closed. They're not the same person. Why did I even think of it in the first place? The Aki I know is arrogant, proud and full of himself. Although he DID save me, he's still far from her description.

"After all, he saved me. He's the one who found me in the forest  when I escaped from humans who detest my kind. He brought me to Grandpa Rob. We grew up together and lived happily until THAT happened" she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

Most of the time, the villagers doesn't bother us because Grandpa Rob was one of the founding Elders of Daltona until the Purge. It was a deadly epidemic that spread throughout the land and Grandpa Rob caught it.....

Ren's point of view

An old, skinny man was in a bed, with a boy and a girl weeping.
The man was really thin. His skin looked like there were no muscles left in his body because you can easily trace his bones.

"No Granpa Rob!*sniff... Don't leave us!" I said, crying at his side.
"*Cough.....Ren, be strong.... *cough.... Don't let anything stop you...*cough... from being happy.....and Aki,... *cough....protect Ren in my place" Grandpa Rob coughed.
"No.....don't say that Grandpa Rob. You'll be fine as always, right? It's just a normal flu, right? " Aki replied.

Although he was trying to act strong, his voice was wavering and his hands were shaking while holding Grandpa's bony hands.

"Aki, Ren, You both grow up into fine adults.....*cough....Life will become harder from.....*cough....  now on....."

"No,..... please don't speak, the disease will worsen" I said while tidying the blanket. My tears won't stop.

" Ren, if you ever find life hard, just sing this,

~ You will become strong if you have a sword
   Or a body that is stout
   But the only powerful thing in the world
   Is true love, no doubt ~
..... This will be your support throughout life....."


"Those were his last words to me" Ren said.
"After that, a few days later, Grandpa Rob left us and the villagers thought that it was a chance so they tried to drove us out" she continued. Her face were starting to look sad.
"We escaped to the forest, thinking it was safer but the villagers caught up on us. It was then that Aki said that we must split up. I was really stubborn that time. I thought that I lost a member of my family and that I will l lose another one. Then, Aki said " We will just part for a little while. I will distract them and you will escape. Let's meet up on our Wishing Tree" and we part ways"

"Wishing Tree?" I asked.
"It's a tree that we often used to play when we were little kids. It was in the border between the lake and the forest" she answered.

"I went to the Wishing Tree but a day passed but no Aki was insight" I went to our house and it was a wreck but he was still nowhere to be found. When I came to check the Wishing Tree, the whole place was rotten. The surrounding trees and grasses were also corrupted" she continued. I suddenly remembered the place where death was immanent and my stomach started to rumble. So she was talking about THAT place.

"The time when we separated was the last time I saw him. While I was waiting for his return, I searched for my identity. It was at that time that I learned that I have magic. Now, three years have past and I still haven't found him" She reached for a box in the table. She opened it.

It was a bright, golden bell with a blood red ribbon. Hmmmm? I think I saw this somewhere before?

"This was my first and last present I received from Aki." She hugged it tightly. You can see that she really treasures it a lot. She carefully returned it then, her face became serious.

"Nise, I will now tell you what I found when I was searching for my identity" She looked behind me. Curious, I followed her stare. My eyes landed on the bookshelves. The wood looked like it was about to break any second but it still stood sturdy and the books were full of dusts and spider webs but the authentic feeling never left the place.
"Nise? Can I ask you a little favor? Can you bring me that blue book?"

Without question, I went to the shelves. My heart were pounding in every step I take. Feelings of excitement and nervousness consumed me. This is it.....I can feel it.

When she said blue book, my eyes automatically landed on the book on the upper left corner of the shelves. The book emitted this somewhat mysterious vibe that attracted my attention. I pulled it out, careful that I don't destroy the harmonious alignment of the neighboring books. I cautiously wipe the dirt on the front cover.

The Legend of Ruids were the title. Hmmmm? I think I heard this somewhere before....
The book was wrapped with thick wood and slippery leaves. It looked like they were protecting the information inside. Although I may not be hundred percent accurate, the title was made of gold and platinum combined. What a mysterious and extravagant book!

I handed the book to Ren. She closed hers eyes and sang:

~ You will become strong if you have a sword
   Or a body that is stout
   But the only powerful thing in the world
   Is true love, no doubt ~

The woods and leaves surrounding the book slowly relaxed and made way for Ren to open it. She looked surprisingly exhausted at her stunt.

"This song..... is called TL. I learned that by...... singing this, you can access ..... or break magical barriers but.... it has a price" she said, heavily panting. I helped her breath by gently rubbing her back. Her injuries might have doubled her fatigue.

She opened the book and I saw something unbelievable.

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