Chapter 3

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 "We have Alaskay Royce in Radio 981 this afternoon. Hi, Alaskay!" Johnson, the radio in-charge said.

"Hi everyone, I'm Alaskay. It's so good to be here." I said, Wallace standing behind us, watching.

"It's so great to have you here. Last night was your last day Love on Edge tour, How was it?"

"It was fantastic. All my fans are so awesome. I had fun and I hope they had fun too." I replied.

"Talking about albums, any plans for new album?"

"Not so soon. It's my third album for the third year. We do have the idea of getting more albums out within a year though. You guys will be the first to know if we decide on this. But for now, I will be back on doing covers and going for events for sure." I replied, hearing myself clearly in the headphones.

"I'm looking forward to it." Johnson said before he glanced at his script, "Let's talk about your family. As everyone knows you have two brothers, do you mind talking about your personal life?"

I added with a nervous smile, "My older brother, Jacosky, he's 24, engaged to lovely Keely Clark. And my second brother, Nathaniel, he's in college and yep, he's YouTuber."

"All of you have special names. Do you have a good relationship with them?"

"Oh, we are in really good relationship. I love my brothers to death even though they are quite protective towards me. But guess living with house full of guys, these protective things are predicted." I said, decided it's enough on my personal lives.

Johnson continued, "What about your parents?"

I froze. I thought Wallace settled it? I glanced at Wallace, who passed the message to an assistant who stood behind the camera and did a sign of cut off to Johnson. Luckily this can be edited out. Johnson looked at me apologizing, "Let's talk about Ryder Howard. Hollywood gossip said you two are dating."

I forced a smile out, "Well, we are hanging out but dating... I don't think that's true. Ryder and I are friends. If we come across dating, I think we will notify the media."

"So there's a chance?" Johnson asked, suggestively. I chuckled, "He's a great guy."

Johnson laughed, "And your roommate, Julius Miller. He's a part-time racer. What makes you choose Julius Miller as a roommate?"

Sigh. Figured this question will be asked. I replied smoothly, "Julius and my brother Nate are best friends. When Nate moved out, Julius moved in."

"I love your tattoos by the way. How many tattoos do you have?" Johnson asked.

I flashed my first wrist tattoo with a cursive R, "Five tattoos,"

"That's cool. How did you even decide you want a tattoo? You are what, 18?"

"Yes, eighteen. Hmm, my brothers had it too and I thought it's so pretty, so I got it." I replied.

"You are every teenage girl's role model. You go against bullying and still holding the campaign of anti-bully. You helped people through music. What makes you actually started the campaign?"

"Let's say I didn't complete high school. I was a drop out and was bullied in school. When I was scouted by Wallace, I know if one day my life changed, I will stand up for people. I want people out there to know there are still people who care and people who understand. It's really sad how many teenager committed suicide because of bullying." I said, "So I came up with the campaign with Wallace."

"That's so nice of you. I thank you on the behalf of the teenagers. Now you hear Alaskay Royce speaking up for the anti-bully campaign, a website link of the campaign will be put on Radio's website, go and take a look."

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