Chapter 7

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You see those magazines and social networks where they put an idea into people mind that celebrities spend their birthday mostly at extravagant parties or clubs, when you are legal. Most of them are bullshit. Celebrities are humans too. To be honest, I don't have any plans on my birthday. I just want to lay in bed and watch Netflix for the whole day.

I lay in my bed, scrolling through my social networks and read my birthday wishes. I was texting Ryder who's shooting his new movie, when Julius barged into my room with a box, sporting his usual grin on his face, "Happy birthday!"

I stared at him, "Have you ever heard about knocking? What if I'm naked?"

"Then I'm in luck." He grinned, a pillow fly out and hit him. He quickly stepped back, "Wow, baby girl, not so violent until you open this up." He passed me the box and I raised my eyebrow, "If you prank me or any-"

A small bark caught my attention. I looked around, not sure where the sound came from. Julius smiled, pointed in the box. I dropped my jaw, "No way, Julius." I opened it and sure it is. A little poodle puppy in the box looked up at me with his puppy eyes. I carried the little thing out, "Awww so adorable!!"

Julius smiled, "Happy birthday, baby girl." He kissed my forehead, "Now, stay in your room until I said you can come out okay? I will bring Bambi's thing into your room and you can have fun and get to know him while I get busy. Got it?"

"Wait, how you got him? And his name is Bambi?"

Julius chuckled, "Yep, I adopted it from a friend of mine who had five puppies. So I adopted Bambi."

"Why can't I go out then? It's my house." I frowned. Julius stared at me, knocked my head softly, "You stupid girl. What do you think I'm doing? having girls downstairs? No!" He quickly protested when my face fell, "No, you silly. It's your birthday and I'm planning a party. Get dressed okay? The party will start in two hours. Laters," Then he winked before the door shuts.


Heather and Nate barged in when I was in the middle of playing tug-a-war and replying fans who mentioned me in twitter. Heather beamed, "It's time! Happy birthday Kay! Don't think we will forget your birthday. "She passed me a long jewelry box and a shoebox with a ribbon on it. Nate kissed my head, giving me a big hug, "Happy birthday sister."

"Thanks Nutty." I smiled and unwrapped Heather's present while Heather gushing over little Bambi with Nate. It was a normal diamond necklace, must have cost a lot, "Aw Heather. Thanks." The two of us gave each other a hug and Heather smiled, "You have everything you want so I didn't know what to get you. This guy here," She nudged Nate, "Took my idea of getting-"

"Hey! Wait till she open her present will you?" Nate frowned. I smiled, opened up the shoe box and screamed. Jimmy choo's new boots with spike. I jumped onto Nate and gave him a bear crushing hug, "Thanks Nutty! I love you!"

"Love you too." He grinned and watched me put on the boots.


Alaskay was over cloud nine when she saw all her favorite people are there. Her band members, who each gave her a hug, wishing her happy birthday and Wallace standing by the wine corner, raised a glass up to her. She then approached Julius and smiled, "Thank you for all this. Nate told me about it."

Julius grinned, brushed his thumb over Kay's flushed cheeks, "Don't mention it, baby girl. Now go and have fun. Save a dance for me later."

Kay smiled, saluted Julius, "Aye captain." Then she winked, hurried to Jaco's side who just stepped into the door. Julius walked to Jaco and Keely, welcomed them and watched Alaskay opened her present. Jaco and Keely both got Alaskay the key for their summer house. Alaskay's smile got wider and wider when Keely said their summer day will be sponsored by Jaco and Keely.

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