Chapter 10

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"I, Jacosky Royce, take you, Keely Rachel Clark, to be my wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Jaco recited with a big wide happy smile.

He grinned when Keely wiped off a stray tear and she turned to recite her vows. Both of them looked like they are showering in happiness.

Is that what love feels like?

"I may now pronounce you two as Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

When Jaco pulled Keely to him and kiss his bride, All of us stood up and clapped. I just can't stop smiling. Heather was clapping like a mad woman with Nate beside us. Julius is sitting next to Nate. We didn't talk to each other for two weeks and I didn't said hello back to him just now.

Ryder was standing beside me, grinning and taking photos. Yep, he's my date for today. But he has to rush to his work right now. I nudged him, "Don't forget you got a schedule later,"

He groaned, "Don't remind me. You think I can say goodbye to them now?"

I nodded, "Go on." Ryder sighed, walked towards the smiling newly-weds and shook Jaco's hand, hugged Keely before Keely pouted, "Alright. See you around, Ryder."

Ryder kissed my forehead and then said, "See you around next week?"

I chuckled, "Get lost." He rolled his eyes, said goodbye to Heather and Nate, nodded to Julius and hurried off. I could see Julius is watching me. I hugged both Jaco and Keely before settling the guests down for dinner.

Heather was checking the caterer to make sure everything are on the right track. Jaco and Keely was busy entertaining guests that nobody spot the guy with white hair, in suit, stepped into the wedding. Nate and I was the first to spot him. I froze. Nate growled, "What the fuck is he doing here?"

"Let's find out." I said.

When he saw us coming, he grinned widely as if nothing ever happened, "Alaskay and Nathaniel. Last time I saw you guys, you were just below my shoulder. Look at both of you. "

"Last time I checked, you were drunk every day and couldn't even recognize us." I said, folding my arms, I got an urge to just removed my six inch heels and slam it onto the guy's face. Nate stood in front of me with a threatening stance, "David Royce, why the fuck are you here?"

"I came here for my son's wedding, what do you think?" David Royce and yes, our estranged father who we stopped contacting for like what... more than ten years? When Jaco was 18, he became our parent and got us a house. We lost our parents when I was 11. Both of them.

"You need to leave," I said, "Jaco won't be happy if he sees you here."

"Well, I'm your father..."

Before David could say anything, Nate stepped forward, face to face and I know Nate would smash the man's head if it's not illegal, "Not anymore. Fuck off before I call the security and trust me, it won't be nice."

"Nathaniel, how can you treat your father like that?" He said. He got the fucking nerves to say that. When I was about to go forward, Julius came in, pulling Nate away and faced David, "Hey you, must be the estranged Royce, the exit is just ten feet away, turn around and leave, we will save you just a little pride. Or else, we call the cops and it won't be pretty."

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