Chapter 14

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Juliana's p.o.v


"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT SHE WANTS TO BE WITH SOMEONE THAT HITS HER?" Xander shouts. I am shocked oh god i never thought my dad would have to find out like this..... I looked at my dad with wide eyes before he mirrored my face expression.

Everything seemed like it was in slow motion all i saw was Xander and Jerry fighting. Before i blacked out.

I open my eyes to see a very bright light, What the hell. And i quickly shut my eyes again. Whats happening? Am i.....Dead? I hear a deep familiar chuckle that sounds like its coming beside me but i can't be sure because my eyes are closed. Screw this im just going to open my eyes.

Surprisingly this time there wasnt a bright light, i was just looking at the room around me. It had white colored walls, and i was lying on a hospital bed attached to wires.... WTF.....? I look to my side to see my handsome mate sitting next to me. He had the goofiest smile on his face awhhh he looked so cute! i just want to pinch his cheeks!

And then he bursts into a fit of laughter, he was holding his sides and laughing really hard, wait.... did i just say all of that out loud..... talk about embarrising.... He eventually calmed down, and began to speak.

"To answer your first question no your not dead." Xander said trying to look serious but failed when he let out a chuckle. Wow so have i been saying everything out loud or something....? "And your in the pack hospital, your in here because you blacked out when me and Jerry started fighting.." He said with a guilty look.

And then everything came back to me, Xander and Jerry screaming in each others faces, And then Xander accidently screaming at Jerry for abusing me. And my fathers shocked and pained expression. And then after that i completely blacked out and ended up here.

"Oh.." Was all that managed to come out of my mouth, i wondered where my dad was i needed to talk to him, to explain why he had to find out that way. I just wanted him to know that im okay now, and i dont want this to effect him and Jerry's alpha, beta relationship.

"Hey im sorry, i didnt mean to say that in front of your dad it justkind of slipped out i was just so angry an-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his in a sweet kiss. He smiled into the kiss, and then we pulled away, looking at one another.

It feels amazing to love somebody so much that words cant explain, but it feels so much better knowing that they feel the same way. I love knowing that the person right in front of me will be the person that i will be married to , and have children with, and grow old with. I love knowing that this guys right in front of me will be the only guy that i love and the only guy i will ever be with.

" It's okay Xander i know that you didnt mean to, i know that i didnt want him to find out like this but im glad that he knows now, he needed to." I said looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He gave me a peck on the nose which caused me to giggle. "Can you get my dad for me?" I pleaded. He smiled and nodded before disappearing out of the door.

And then a young man which i assume is my doctor walks in and over to the side of my bed were im attached to a bunch of wires. "Hello Ms. Rose i am your doctor Dr. Ken" He said while giving me a firm hand shake. "I am just going to ask you a few questions, if thats okay with you?" He questioned. "Of course." I said with a small smile.

Dr.Ken: "Do you have any pressure in your head at all, almost like a headache but a bit stronger?"

I nodded my head realizing how bad the pain actually was, it was weird when i was with Xander i couldnt even feel anything, almost like he made it better when he was around..... hmmm strange.

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