Chapter 7

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Juliana"s P.O.V

We finally left the barbecue, and to be honest i really loved all of the people i have met today. After i had been watching Xander play football we ate dinner and it got late pretty quick so we decided to go home.

We just left his parents house and were driving in the car, his parents house was 30 minutes away from Xanders house.

Xander: "So did you have fun today?"

Me: " Yeah it was actually really fun, everyone one in the pack is very friendly."

He looked at me and smiled at me and then turned his head to focus on the road.

After that i kind of just zoned out deep in thought, about the way Luke was acting earlier. If he wasnt just being friendly then i hope he doesnt try anything with me.

He should know better not to try anything with me i mean im mates with not only his best friend but his Alpha!!!!

Who knows how severe the consiquences will be, but i sure dont want to find out.

I didnt realize that Xander was trying to talk to me until he pulled over on the side of the road.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Xander: "Whats wrong, i have tried talking to you for the past 5 minutes."

Me: "Sorry i was thinking, and i didnt hear you."

Xander: "Well im just worried, is something bothering you?"

I was trying to decide if i should tell him about Luke or if should just wait and see if Luke was being friendly or not.

And if Luke trys anything then i will tell Xander. Oh shit i still havent answered him so know he knows something is wrong.

So im just going to tell him that im just worried about my family or my pack or Jeremy coming to find me. Oh fuck i forgot to tell him about Jeremy!!!!!!

Now i really did start to worry because i know how Jeremy is and i know he will come after me, and he wont give up until he finds me and brings me back with him.

Me: "We need to talk about something, once we get home."

Xander: "Okay, Whats it about?"

Me: "I'll just tell you when we get home."

Xander looked like he really wanted to know, but he stopped himself and nodded. Im just glad he didnt keep pushing the subject on me.

I began to panic Jeremy wpuld be absolutley pissed if he found out that i found my mate. Oh my god would he try to hurt people in the pack?

I dont know what i would do if he did, because even though i have just met the pack i feel like it is my responsibility to keep the pack safe.

We finally pull into the driveway and get in to the house.

I follow Xander up the stairs but then decide i should take a nice warm shower to calm my nerves. so i the way towards the bathroom. He notices this, and follows me.

Xander: "I thought we were gonna talk?"

Me: " Im just going to get into the shower first.."

Xander: "Okay, hurry up though."

I walk away into the bathroom. and took a scolding hot shower.

After my shower, i walked into the room to find Xander waiting on his bed. But i walk into the closet and get changed into a tanktop and some sweats.

I walk out of the closet very nervously, i even tried to convince myself to not tell him about Jeremy, and say that i was just kinda new to the whole Luna thing...?

But, i start to feel guilty he needs to know, this could put his pack in danger because of me.

I sit on the bed in front of him and let out a long breath and begin to speak.

Me: "I need to tell you about the reason i am a rouge.. I am a rouge because i wanted to find you and stuff but its not the only reason.

He looks at me as if hes tryng to read my expression. But i continue to tell him.

Me: "I had this boyfriend Jerry, he and my dad are pretty close because he is beta of my pack and my Dad is the alpha. So my dad wanted me to stay with Jeremy so when my father isnt alpha anymore Jeremy could be alpha and i could be luna of my pack. But.... i didnt want to stay with Jeremy because he was always so controlling and he.... "

I struggle to spit the words out, that explain how Jeremy has abused me.

Xander: "But he what?" worry floods his face.

I feel tears trying to fall but i try to hold them back. Xander notices this and grabs me and plays with my hair while talking to me and desperatly trying to calm me down...

But by now im crying hysterically and im shaking a lot.

Me: "He ........ hit me... i say in a small voice.

Xander looks confused until anger floods through him, he starts shaking very badly in my arms from being so mad i know right now that his wolf was trying to surface.

I rub his arm and nuzzeled my neck into the crook of his neck, he seemed to calm down a lot, but he manages to say "Why did he hit you?"

Me: "He drinks a lot.... and he would always come home completely wasted and angry so he decided to take his anger out on me."

Xander: "How many times did he do it?" i could hear the anger rising again.

Me: "Everyday."

Xander: "What has he done to you?"

Me: "Xander...."

Xander: "Tell me."

Me: "Well.... He has pushed me into the wall, pulled my hair, spit in my face, cut me, punched me, kicked me, slapped me.....

Xander: "Is that all?"

Me: " not sure."

Xander: "Im going to kill him."

Me: "Nooooo you're not!"

Xander: "Dont you see how bad all of that is? He has no right to put a hnad on any woman no man does no matter what! he practically screams.

Me: "I know.. but thats not all..."

Xander: "Theres more?" He is soooo pissed right now.

Me: "He kinda has this obbsession with me, even after i told him i was coming to find you. He's going to try to find me and get me back......

Xander stays quiet for a few minutes. Then he finally speaks up.

Xander: "If he wants to come and try and get you back let him, because i'm not letting him take you from me. And then he kisses me.

Authors note~

Sorry i havent updated for a couple days so i made this chapter a little more interesting.

I havent edited this yet but i will after i make the next chapter.

Im going to try and get a new cover soon

but anyways the next chapter might be a little short.

Me and The Alpha (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now