Chapter 9

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Juliana's P.O.V

I still can't believe i told Xander about my horrifying past, i have never told anyone about it before, because i didnt have many friends because Jerry was too protective.

But, i mostly didnt tell people about my past because it was something i was trying to forget about, i wanted to move on from that life.

And i was to weak to tell anyone about it, i was afraid of what people would think. Would they think i was a nut case? Or would they pity me?

I would hope that people would'nt pity me, i dont need it.

i was just lying on the bed next to a snoring Xander, I looked at him.

His usually tense face was soft and adorable and his lips were slightly parted allowing soft snores to escape, and he was breathing very deeply

I kissed his cheek very lightly to make sure he wouldnt wake up.

I turned back on to my back staring at the ceiling like i have been for the past hour.

I rolled over on my side to look at the clock on the nightside, to see that it is now 3:02 a.m

I got out of the bed and went down the stairs and into the kitchen to get some water.

As i reached for a cup in the cupboard, i jumped at how scared i got causing the cup to crash into several pieces as it touched the ground.

"Shit." i whispered

"Hey sorry Xander said i could crash here tonight, i didnt mean to scare you." Luke said.

Me: "No its okay, i just didnt see you wheni walked into the kitchen."

And then i hear quick footsteps from uptairs, shit i woke Xander.

He finally reached the kitchen tired and worry clear on his face.

Xander: "What the hell hap- oh hey luke its just you right?"

Luke: "Yeah i just accidently scared Juliana and she dropped her cup."

Relif washes over his face and he lets out a heavy sigh, before coming over to help me clean up the broken glass after that he came up from behing me and wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzeling his head in the crook up my neck.

I glanced at an uncomfortable Luke, he was looking at the floor rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Something flashed in his eyes as he looked up at me... Jealousy? he was jealous? Why would he be jealous?

But it quickly left and his normal blue eyes looked dull.

Xander stood back up and gave me a peck on my nose, i smiled at this.

Xander: "Alright i think we're going to get to bed, night Luke."

He said this as we walked up the stairs, and got into bed and he put his arm around my waist and protectivly pulled my back close to him.

And then i was going to see if there was possibly something else that is wrong with Luke besides him possibly being jealous of Xander.

Me: "Hey Xander is Luke okay..? i turned around to face him, he had a confused look on his face.

Xander: "What do you mean?"

Me: "I mean i just thought something was off about him... so did something happen to him?"

Xander growled.

Xander: "Why do you care so much hes not your mate!!!!"

He got up from the bed to push his nightstand over. Woaahhh he was just snuggling with me and then i ask about Luke and hes on attack mode?

Me: "Why are you getting so angry? I was just asking a fucking question about YOUR best friend.

Xander: "Why all of a sudden are you so concerned about him? huh? Do you have feelings for him?

After he said that i was far beyond pissed off about how he got so angry and how could he think that i could love anyone besides him?

I mean.... Wait did i just say love no i cant love Xander i have only known him for like a week or two, my thoughts are all jumbled up right now maybe i should go and clear my mind so i can think straight.


I get up from the bed and make my way over to the door, when Xander turns me around and holds tightly onto my waist. He was shaking very badly, his wolf was starting to surface.

Xander: "Where do you think you're going?"

Me: "To sleep somewhere else obviously."

Xander looked at me and instead of shifting into his wold he calmed down and then he looked at me pleading for me not to leave.

Xander: "Please dont leave."

Me: "Fine."

He looked so happy and he jumped on to the bed and layed down. And patted the spot in front of him which was my usual spot.

Instead of hopping in bed i walk into the closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket and layed them on the ground.

Xander: "What are you doing?"

Me: "Going to sleep night." and i layed on the ground with my blanket.

I looked over to see Xander grabbing his blanket and pillow and putting them next to me and he layed behind me and put his arms around my stomache.

Me: "You know the whole point of me sleeping on the ground was to sleep away from you?" I said with a smirk.

Xander: "Too bad, i wont get any sleep if you're not beside me."

I turned and pecked him on his nose, and then turned back over and felt sleep taking over.

*Not edited*

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Authors note~

Its been awhile since my last update sorry, i was on vacation and where i was i didnt get any internet or phone signal sooo.

Update tomorrow hopefully.


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