Chapter 1 - Beginnings

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Chapter 1 – Beginnings

The year was 2080. It was a world that had been furthered by science to its furthest extent. There was no need for government or most of the necessities that were present seventy years prior to the revelations created in the year 2065. The world, still known on this day as ‘Earth’, is recognized universally. Technology was strong enough to prevent the Earth from diminishing itself when the sun grew to its red giant status by the year 2025. After the post-apocalyptic world of Doomsday, 2012, the earth had to be rebuilt. It was thanks to these events that the world was reconstructed to survive any form of nuclear apocalypse.

War in the year 2080 was not an option, nor had it been since the fall of Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011. After the death of the last terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, fear was imbued into the hearts and minds of the world’s political leaders, as were various suspicions and conspiracy theories. With these in place, the world stayed in a state of chaos through Doomsday in 2012, though due to the nuclear fallout, the world was able to be reset.

While all human life was on Earth deceased well into the end of 2013, there were luckily a few male and female space travelers in outer space during the time of the fallout. These astronauts became their own Adam and Eves, reproducing to recreate human life. With around 16 astronauts, five of which were female, it didn’t take long to recreate a healthy human ecosystem. Unfortunately, humans were not enough.

A powerful man, who never gave his name, but called himself by the codename of ‘Li-3’, managed to create a device known as the Boron-Ladle. It was a spoon-like gadget which was, as its name suggested, imbued with the chemical element of Boron, laden with its fourth isotope, Boron-7. Although chemical science was already falling as of 2012, most of Rutherford’s experiments were contradicted by Li-3’s experiments and technological advancements. Although the tool’s use was never made clear, it shocked many.

In 2022, Li-3, now the world’s wealthiest man renowned as ‘The Father of Cyber-Sciences’, discovered that the inner core of the sun was beginning to freeze somehow. By using gamma radiation, he was able to determine an exact date in which the sun would ‘implode’ and destroy every planet in the solar system. In order to save the earth, Li-3 and his followers took many technological expeditions to ensure the world’s safety.

In 2025, it happened. The inside of the sun burst in an explosion of frozen crystals. While every planet in the solar system, besides Pluto, succumbed to the frozen irony of what was called the Cold-Sun Scenario, the Earth survived, due to Li-3’s bravery and intellect. Li-3 once again was recognized as a hero, and now was an equivalent to a God. However, the satisfaction of preventing the destruction of an entire planet was far less than proficient for Li-3. Quickly he sought out any form of crises and disaster he could find, only to realize that he had created a disaster-proof world.

Discontent from his created prefecture, Li-3 disappeared in 2028. Many said he had commit suicide, though the man was in 80’s, so he could have just croaked. The true whereabouts of Li-3 would not be revealed, or relevant, for another fifty years. For now, there was a new character to take Li-3’s place.

The year was now 2080. The only aftermath of Li-3’s prophetic actions had been a generally peaceful world that lasted for 55 years. Nobody had to worry about a World War III, or any war for that matter. The only deaths that had occurred in the last 50 years had been suicides, accidental deaths, and coming-of-age deaths. Although there were some who defied the structure of the world, these criminals were dealt with by the General Government, who expelled the criminals to a zone called the Cyber World. Due to medicinal technology, the death expectancy age was at around 130, though nobody had lived that long yet. The oldest living human was only 60, which was rather young, in sense.

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