Chapter 19 - Revolution

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Chapter 19: Revolution

Ayashige smirked as he held up the red crystal in his right hand. As the sun light hit it from above, a miniature fireball showed inside of it. “Lithium’s Radiant Crystal,” Ayashige said, holding up the crystal even higher, “Each shard of the crystal holds a different element. When he had seen his last hour, our lord Lithium disposed of the Radiant Crystal, the source of his power that he had possessed for 12 years before that. I have the element of fire stored in mine, while our caretaker, Ophelia Violetta, has the element of ice stored in her’s.”

“We are aware of this fact, Ayashige,” Shima said, “What’s your plan?”

“My plan is composed in four easy steps,” Ayashige said. “First, Kiri and Lyric should distract the lesser AI that are guarding Ophelia’s chamber. From there, Shima and I will take the crystal. Using the crystal, we can freeze the ceiling of the Digital Asylum. With the red crystal I have, we’ll melt the frozen terrain above us, causing the ceiling to not only collapse, but also flood the Digital Asylum. Then all we need to do is swim upward, and freedom will be ours!”

“He’s right, as much as I hate to admit it,” Lyric said. She shot and determined and playful glance at Kiri. “Okay sister, we’ll go through with it!” Kiri hesitated before nodding nervously. Lyric’s purple blanket-like cape blew behind her as she pulled Kiri to the entrance to the central chamber.

In the center of the dark stone-crafted room, Ophelia spoke on a cell phone. The red and blue eyes of lesser AI surrounded her. Static surrounded them all. The room was dimly lit by a few torches planted in the stone walls. Any other light dimly emanated from Ophelia’s phone, as the silhouettes of two lesser AI’s bodies blocked the light from outside while they guarded the entrance. A pair of violet eyes also glowed amidst the red and blue eyes of lesser AI, and they stared at Ophelia.

“You’re talking to your jackass of an ex-husband again?” Midori asked with her usual unpleasant flavor. Ophelia nodded. “Whatever. Just don’t cry when that dumbass hurts you again. Don’t come crying to me, bitch!”

“Ssssssomeone should ssssslap sssssome mannerssss into you, missssss Midori…” slithered the snake-like voice of a lesser AI.

“Who the hell programmed a voice into you?” Midori yelled in response, “Seriously, just shut the hell up!” She took a knife off her belt and jabbed it into the forehead of the lesser AI beside her. Blood dripped from its mouth onto the blade.

“Not sure if she’sssss mad, or if she’s jusssssst impatient with lady Ophelia…” said a lesser AI, who met the same fate as the one who had spoke before him moments later.

“If you were ‘ssssssmart’, you’d just shut the hell up,” Midori mocked the lesser AI. Eventually, Ophelia hung up the phone, although about seven or eight lesser AI had been killed during the wait.

“Your tone is rather unpleasant as usual, Midori,” Ophelia said, “What ails you today?” Her voice was tranquil, especially compared to Midori’s aggravated tone.

“I overheard Ayashige and the new meat talking about something,” Midori said, “I think that idiot’s gonna start shit with us. You gonna let them leave?”

“That really isn’t my place to say,” Ophelia replied. “You must learn to control your language, Midori.”

“I don’t give a crap,” Midori said, “I’m going back to my room.” She walked away, ignoring Ophelia’s suggestion. As she walked down the stairwell to the greater AI chambers, one of the wall torches went out.

“One day, she’sssss going to get hersssself into ssssso much trouble…” hissed a lesser AI.

“Ow!” cried Kiri from outside the chamber. All of the lesser AI inside could hear her. They gathered near the entrance to check on Kiri, who Lyric was handing a pummeling to, though it was soft and playful. Since the lesser AI didn’t know that Kiri had arrived at the Digital Asylum with bleeding eyes and torn limbs, they assumed that Lyric had created the injuries.

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