Chapter 9 - Statute of Limitation

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Chapter 9: Statute of Limitation

                It’s been about eight years now, Akida contemplated to himself. He was remembering the incident in court with Viktor DiVincio. My father, Yuuki Nomura, was prosecuting the case of a relentless murderer. His crimes were all against science. Viktor DiVincio was his name…

“Court is now in session for the trial of Viktor DiVincio,” spoke the judge, dressed in his black robes as he stood behind the podium in Daiki District Courtroom 004.

“The Prosecution is ready, Your Honor,” spoke Yuuki Nomura, dressed in a teal green suit and a blue scarf that covered most of his face, “I feel a bit of a breeze on the side of the defense, however…”

“Why, whatever do you mean, Mr. Nomura?” the judge, Kiryuu Kousaka, asked, “I’m almost positive there aren’t any open windows.”

“I feel such a harsh, cold stare from the eyes of the defense attorney representing the defendant,” Yuuki explained in a cold voice, “This trial will surely glaciate my blood.”

The defense lawyer on the opposite side of the courtroom had pale gray skin, and half of his face was covered in ravaging scars. When he spoke, his voice cracked like thunder. Although he looked young, he sounded as though he were in his 60s. “The defense is ready as well, Your Honor…” He coughed. He wore a black suit with red rims. His sharp black bangs attempted to cover the ravaging of his face, but failed due to length. It didn’t help that they were captured inside his red goggles, either.

“Will the prosecution please call its first witness?” Judge Kousaka requested. Yuuki buried his face into his scarf before giving his muffled response.


“I’ve never needed to summon more than two witnesses to the stand during any single trial,” Yuuki boasted, “And my first witness will 32% of the time break down before confessing the sheer cold truth.”

“Thirty-two is an oddly specific number, Mr. Nomura,” Judge Kousaka said, “Is there any story behind it?”

“Anyone with half a brain would know that water freezes at 32 degrees,” the defense lawyer said with his rattling voice. “Mr. Nomura, I feel compelled to introduce myself. I am Dante Reznov, attorney at law. I intend on proving my client innocent at all costs.”

“As any frostbitten attorney would,” Yuuki replied, “Just remember, when the cold air of winter lingers, people tend to bundle up. You could end up being contempt of court, not showing your lies as though humans don’t show themselves in the winter snows.”

“As I’m certain you are both aware,” Judge Kousaka said, “This case is due for statute of limitations rather soon. A retrial will be unreasonable at this point.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it, your honor,” Yuuki said, “This case has been given the cold shoulder for far too long. The prosecution is ready to call its first witness. Mr. Reznov, if you have no objections, I would like to call the defendant, Viktor DiVincio to testify.”

“The defense has no objections,” Dante replied.

“Then,” Judge Kousaka said, “Will the defendant please approach the bench?”

The defendant was wearing a checkered outfit, alternating from red to black. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was Russian; he had a drunken look about his eyes. He looked extremely unpleasant and unhappy about being in court. With a grumpy tone, he barked, “Ay, can we just get this trial over with so I can get back home to my Vodka?”

“There will be no consumption of alcoholic beverages in this court!” Judge Kousaka objected.

“Mr. DiVincio, please testify where you were on the night of the murder,” Yuuki requested. Viktor nodded and sighed.

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