Chapter 18 - Digital Asylum

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Chapter 18: Digital Asylum

A static noise echoed throughout the air as Kiri’s body landed on the surface of Marrow Canyon. A woman with blue-blonde hair stood above her as though she had been waiting for her. She looked up at the woman with fearful eyes. Her body was covered in wounds, as she had landed on a sharp rocky terrain. Blood leaked from both of her eyelids, and the limb of her left arm was nearly split completely.

“There, there,” the woman said, “Let’s get you patched up.” Her voice was soft and kind, but her red eyes didn’t show much kindness at all.

The depths of Marrow Canyon were composed of several silver-gray colored stones piled on top of each other. “Do you know what happened here about 68 years ago?” the woman asked, not expecting an answer, “No one does. You may be wondering why I’m here. The answer to that is this.” She held up a small blue crystal. “This gem is a piece of Li-3’s Radiant Crystal. When he felt he had done his service to humanity, he hurled the crystal into this chasm. It was also here that he and his partner Alfredo Ramirez fought. “

The woman extended an arm out to Kiri, who grabbed on with her right arm. She whined a bit as she sponged out the pain. “You’re a special one, aren’t you? Don’t worry; I won’t let them hurt you.” She couldn’t see anything because of her bleeding eyes, but surrounding Kiri were the glowing sapphire-toned eyes of lesser AI hiding in the shadows. “The depths of Marrow Pass are called the Digital Asylum. When an AI flees from death, they end up here. You appear to be the only one who legitimately arrived here on her own.”

Kiri remained silent. Her eyes were still bleeding, but beneath them was a dim violet tint. “You can’t see them, can you?” the woman asked, “They’re watching you… But they won’t leave the shadows. It’s their nature. They’re just lesser AI. Very few greater AI have ended up here.”

“Ophelia!” shouted an aggravated voice. A girl with dark green hair stepped out of the shadows. “Looks like you brought some new meat.” She examined Kiri’s face and hair specifically. “Hold on… I know you… You’re the bitch that stood between me and Rogue status!”

“Mi…do-ri…” Kiri said nervously. Her voice was so weak it sounded as though she were crying.

“Oh, thank God you remembered my name!” Midori said arrogantly, “If you so much as forgot a single syllable, I’d have to smack the living shit out of you! Not like you look like you have any shit left in you to smack out.”

“I’m sorry…” Kiri apologized.

“Why the fuck are you apologizing?” Midori asked, “You didn’t do anything wrong, you know.”

“I…I just…” Kiri couldn’t bring herself to say another word. Midori shook her head.

“I bet this bitch didn’t even introduce herself to you,” Midori said, looking over to Ophelia. “Where are your fucking manners?”

“You’re one to talk,” Ophelia retaliated, “You’re swearing like a sailor.”

“I always do, where the hell have you been?” Midori asked. “Since she’s gonna be a bitch and not introduce herself, her name’s Ophelia Arakawa.”

“Ophelia Violetta,” Ophelia corrected, “I divorced about 20 years ago.”

“Whatever, bitch,” Midori yelled at Ophelia assertively, “I’m going to my shithole of a room.” She walked away without giving Kiri a second thought.

“So I guess you’ve met our Eris before,” Ophelia sighed. “Isn’t she pleasant? Unfortunately, there’s not exactly anyway out of the chasm, so you may as well try and make yourself comfortable here.”

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