Chapter 1.

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This is my first ever Kellic fic and I hope you enjoy reading it :)

Vic’s POV.

“Miiiiiiike!” I yelled as loud as I could. Once again I’d woken up to him leaving his big plastic spider right next to my face. My door opened and Mike stuck his head in, with his most innocent-looking angel face plastered on. “Yes, oh beloved brother?” he asked, singing the words whilst battering his eyelashes.
“You’re the biggest moron on Earth, did you know that?!” I said sourly and threw the plastic spider at him. Smack. It hit him right in the face as he hadn’t expected me to throw it.

“OW!” he yelled and made a face, picking up the spider, glaring at me as I got up from my bed. “You can’t even take a joke, Victor, you jerk,” Mike mumbled under his breath. I let out a snort and shook my head at him. “Oh, I’m perfectly capable of taking a joke, thank you. But things have to be funny in order for me to laugh,” I answered, which resulted in Mike flipping me the bird before walking off.

As I finished getting dressed, I walked to the kitchen and dumped down in a chair by the table with a bowl and a spoon. Cereal and milk was already on the table after Mike using it and he was sitting on the kitchen counter, his phone in his hands.
“Wow, have you seen this?” he asked and turned his phone so I could see it. It was on his Twitter profile. “What is it?” I asked and tried to snatch the phone out of his grip, but he pulled it back just in time. “Look at your own Twitter, you have loads of mentions too,” he said.

I picked up my phone from the counter where I left it last night before going to bed, opened the Twitter app and checked my mentions. They were full of links to videos on YouTube, who were all music videos by a band called Sleeping With Sirens. The rest of the mentions all pleaded me, Tony, Jaime, Mike and some other dudes, probably members from that band, to make a song together.

“They want us to make a song with these..” I had to look at my phone to check the band name again. “..Sleeping With Sirens guys,” I said, to which Mike nodded. He then pressed a few times on the screen of his phone, turned up the volume and out of the speaker came a really good-sounding voice accompanied by music. The voice was very high-pitched and I wasn’t even sure if it was a man or a woman singing. Mike seemed to think the same, so he quickly Googled the band. “They’re all men,” he informed me, to which I just nodded.

I just listened to the song and actually found my foot bopping on the floor to the beat. When it finished I gave my younger brother a look I knew he’d interpret correctly and then found the Twitter profile of the lead singer. Kellin Quinn. Well, that was an unusual name. I then noticed the little white letters that read “Follows you” next to his username. That was fast.
“The lead singer, Kellin Quinn, he’s already following me on Twitter,” I informed Mike who was busy texting away on his phone. I bit my lip and then pressed the icon of a silhouette and then pressed the first option, for Direct Message. A box that looked like I was about to text someone popped up and I hesitated a bit. What even should I write?

Hey dude, our fans apparently wants us to make a song together, you game?

Nah, that was obviously too stupid. We didn’t know each other and that definitely sounded like I’d been stalking him or something. I came up with various ideas of what I could write to him, but none of them seemed appealing enough to me to actually type and send to him.

Suddenly some text in a white box appeared next to his profile picture, meaning he just sent me a DM. I frowned a bit and then read it.

Hi! This will probably sound a bit weird, but I noticed that our fans want us to make a song together, and as far as I’ve heard, your band makes pretty decent music, so I was wondering if it was an option?

Wow. They actually wanted to make a song with us. I looked up to tell this to Mike, but he was gone. Where’d he gone? “Mike?” I tried calling out, but no answer came. I shrugged and once again disappeared into the world of Twitter to reply Kellin.

I noticed the same thing – and sure it’s an option! We just have to talk to our management and arrange it; I assume you have to do the same thing first.

That didn’t sound stupid at all, I thought sarcastically as I pressed the send button. Oh well.

“Vic,” Mike’s voice sounded from the glass doors that led out to our garden from the kitchen. “Yeah?” I asked, turning around to look at him. Mike had his phone in his hand and a smile on his lips.
“It’s on,” he just said, the smile on his lips getting cheekier. I frowned at him as I had no idea what he was on about.
“What’s on?” I asked, confused as I was. Mike rolled his eyes at me as he walked in and closed the door behind him.
“The song, of course! With Sleeping With Sirens. I just talked to some people and it turned out that they had already been in contact with their management earlier today, so their people called our people, who were actually just about to call us. But it’s on, we’re gonna make a song with Sleeping With Sirens!” Mike said, sounding quite excited.

“Wow, alright. Do the others know anything about this?” I asked him, but he shook his head. “I don’t think so. Our people were gonna call them now though,” he informed me before sitting back down on the counter. “How exciting is this!” he exclaimed. “A song with another band.”
“It’s not like we haven’t made any other songs with other singers,” I pointed out, but he didn’t seem to care. Maybe he’d had a secret man crush on these guys, or something.

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