Chapter 5.

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Vic’s POV.

I sighed deeply and squeezed the glass in my hand a bit too tight. “Hey, what’s up?” Mike’s voice sounded as he dumped down next to me on the bench in Tony’s garden. We’d decided that we were just going to party at his place, because everyone were too wasted to go somewhere else by the time everyone got there. Well, almost everyone.

“Nothing, he’s not showing up,” I mumbled and looked down at my hands. I couldn’t believe it; Kellin had texted me that he was definitely going, but he wasn’t sure whether or not his band mates wanted to go as well. And now it was past midnight and he still hadn’t been here.

Mike put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. “He’ll be here, I’m sure,” he said. I knew he was just trying to comfort me, but honestly it wasn’t really working. I wasn’t in the mood for partying, but I could still sure as hell drink my brain out. “Nah, it’s alright, let’s go back inside. I won’t be the one to ruin the mood,” I said and got up. Mike looked rather surprised, but then got up as well, and we went back inside.

Inside everything was chaos. Tony, Jaxin and a couple of our other friends were sitting drunkenly in the couches and watching Jaime, who was dancing on a table, topless. He had his shirt in his hand and was waving it around, a drink in his other hand. Mike made a wolf noise and joined the others on one of the couches. “Vic! Vic come up here with me, let’s make Fuenciado real!” Jaime yelled with a slurred voice. I laughed a bit and finished the rest of my drink – which was pretty much half of it. I put the glass down on a table safe from Jaime’s swinging feet and then jumped up at the table to him.

“Fuenciado is real!” Jaime declared, took my face between his hands and gave me a kiss right on the lips. The others were whistling and howling, so no one heard the door go up. All of a sudden Kellin and the rest of the guys from Sleeping With Sirens were in the room. The whistling and the howling suddenly increased as the newcomers joined in on the party and grabbed themselves some alcohol.

I pulled myself away from Jaime and finished off by smacking his ass pretty loudly, which resulted in him squealing like a girl and then glaring at me, before ruffling my hair, and then he began to pretend he was playing his bass at a show, going completely nuts. I jumped down from the table and grabbed a glass of alcohol and then looked up to find Kellin right in front of me. “Kells! I didn’t expect you’d show up,” I said, pretty surprised.

“Why not? I told you I’d be here,” he said with one of his dark brows raised, as he took a sip of his glass. I shrugged and avoided the question, just sipping of my glass myself. “I’m glad you did show up, though,” I said after a bit of silence,to which he smiled.

Kellin moved a little closer and I could smell alcohol on his breath. He’d been drinking before he got here. “So, what was that on the table with Jaime before? Do you two have thing or something?” he asked. I noticed his eyes had a bit of a hard time focusing properly, which definitely indicated that he was in fact pretty drunk.

I shook my head with a small laugh and clapped his shoulder. “No, not at all. The fans are shipping us like you and me, it’s called Fuenciado, our last names, you know. And we just like to take the piss and sometimes act out on it,” I explained with a grin. He put his hand on mine and bit his lip a bit. “Should we take the piss and act out on our ship as well?” he asked, which made me frown at him. He was really drunk.

“Um, I don’t really know what I’m supposed to answer to that,” I said and smiled nervously. If he really was gay, he’d probably expressed it somehow.

“You’re not supposed to answer. You’re supposed to have fun!” Kellin said and then moved closer to me. I took a few steps backwards and had to look behind me to make sure not to trip over something, but when I looked back up at Kellin, his face was only inches away from mine. “Wow Kellin, what are you doing?” I asked, but he just ignored my question, grabbed me by my chin and pulled me in to meet his lips in a kiss.

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