Chapter 14.

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So.. My laptop's been broken and I literally just got it back today. So sorry for not posting more!

Also, this fic is nearly at 600 reads. Thank you all so much! Hope you enjoyed it :D

Because, sad as it is, this is the end. There's no more for me to write on this, so after a long thinking break, thanks to my laptop breaking, I've decided that it's over. Enjoy the last chapter!

Vic's POV:

"M-me?" Kellin stuttered after what felt like hours of silence, where we just stared intensely at each other. I still didn't want to move away from the door, in case he still wanted to flee. I simply wouldn't allow that. I just gave him a small nod and waited for further reaction. I had now told him what I wanted and now it was up to him what he wanted to do – if he wanted me as well or if he simply didn't want anything to do with me.

Kellin shook his head, as if to say that he didn't believe me. "You.. That's not.. What do you.. But why do.." Kellin started to mumble without making much sense. He looked like someone who had just seen a ghost and I wanted to help him get a hold of what he wanted to say, but I didn't wanna affect his answer in any way. I just waited until he was ready to talk without his tongue tying itself.

Once again he shook his head and took a deep breath. "What do you want from me?" he asked and I furrowed my brow. I didn't really count on him to ask that question. I then shrugged as I had to think about it for a bit. "Well, what I want is for you to stop acting all weird, and to get control of your feelings so we can be, you know.." I began, but he interrupted me before I got to finish the sentence: "In a relationship?"

I nodded and he let out a deep sigh and cupped his forehead as though he was feeling stressed out.

"I want that too, but it's harder than you think," he mumbled and I shook my head. "Honestly, Kellin, I've been through the same as you're going through right now. It's just been years since I figured it out and accepted it. But trust me, it's even harder as a stupid teenager," I informed him, to which he let out a weird noise that I interpreted as an attempt to laugh. "Listen," I began and moved a bit away from the door, since I was now sure that he wouldn't just push me aside and run out of it. "I can give you all the time you need, as long as you admit that you wanna be with me and that you stop acting like it's such a wrong thing," I continued, softening my voice so he wouldn't feel as uncomfortable. He moved his hand from his forehead and peeked at me. "You promise you'll give me all the time I need?" he then asked.

I took in a deep breath and nodded, knowing too well that it could be months before we even shared our first proper kiss and even years before he'd let me do other things to him, and the other way around. I really hoped it wouldn't turn out like that, since he wasn't a stupid teenager, but a grown man. Kellin kept staring at me with his deep blue eyes and I started to get impatient for an answer. He just stared at me as though our conversation was done, but I knew he was thinking about it.

At last he nodded slowly and I let out a deep sigh as he said, with a loud and clear voice: "I admit that I want to be with you, Vic. I really do, even though part of me still thinks it's wrong. But I guess that'll go away." I nodded and moved my arm a bit. "It will go away, no worries."

Kellin sent me an odd glance and I wondered slightly what he was thinking about, just until it was revealed by his actions: he moved closer to me quickly and leaned in to place a careful, soft kiss on my lips. Our mouths barely touched, but it was still enough to start the firework in the pit of my stomach; it felt like a big explosion, and then my entire stomach got filled with butterflies, along with the familiar numb feeling spreading in my entire body.

I felt my knees weaken slightly, but as fast as he went in to kiss me, he pulled away again. I licked my lips to taste him once again and bit down on my lower lip, watching him. "Kells," I said, but he just shook his head slowly and I held my tongue. I didn't even know what to say to him. I wondered if we should tell anyone – maybe he wasn't ready yet. I had no clue if his band members knew about him struggling with new feelings.

"We can tell the others. But only our band members, I don't want the news to spread before I'm completely comfortable with it," Kellin suddenly said to break the silence, as though he'd just read my thoughts. I blinked a few times and then nodded, completely understanding his needs. I didn't want to go flaunt it to everyone I knew either – if it didn't last between us, I didn't want to explain why it fell apart to everyone.

"And the fans?" I asked, knowing this question would probably be taking it a bit too far, but I had to know. Even though I was pretty sure I already did know. "The fans won't know anything, not in the nearest future," he confirmed my thoughts and I nodded again.

"This kinda sounds like a business deal," I said, in a lame attempt to lighten the mood. To my surprise, Kellin actually did smile at my stupid joke. "Who says it isn't a business deal?" he carried on the joke, which made me smile and shake my head. "Well, it wouldn't be the first business deal between us, so why not," I said. Kellin let out a cute little giggle, which made my stomach do a small backflip. I reached out to move some hair away from his eyes and he continued to smile, not flinching at the touch.

Encouraged I continued to run my fingers down his cheek and along his jaw line. His eyes didn't leave mine for one second and as I was about to remove my hand, he grabbed it with his own instead, entwining our fingers, causing me to move a bit closer to him. I kept staring into those deep blue eyes of his and he stared right back. He let his tongue out to flick over his lips, moisturising them ever so slowly. My gaze left his eyes to follow the movements of his tongue. As soon as it disappeared back into his mouth, we reacted simultaneously and both moved in to kiss each other.

I felt Kellin's free hand move up to rest at the back of my hair as we kissed slowly and gently. I didn't want to put any pressure on him, so I just kept it light and let him take control. I could easily feel him become impatient pretty quickly, since he started to deepen the kiss himself. Once again encouraged by his actions, I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around his neck, moving my body as close to his as possible. His other arm found its way around my waist, pressing me against him, making our chests touch. I accidentally bit down his lip, surprised by the fact that he was that impatient, which made him let out a surprised noise of pleasure. The noise sent shivers down my spine and I once again felt my knees go week.

 Suddenly I could feel his tongue lick my lips gently and I parted my lips slightly to invite him in. I let him explore a bit, before I took over the control, which he definitely seemed to like. I was still careful with what I did, but I did feel his breath become slightly heavier. At last we broke apart and we stood there, only a few inches between us, both licking our slightly swollen lips. A smile spread on Kellin's face and I copied it, since I couldn't help it. It made me insanely happy to finally know for sure that he really did want to be with me. That I could kiss him whenever I wanted to and call him mine. That nothing was uncertain anymore. We were finally together and that was all that mattered right now.

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