Chapter 3.

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Kellin’s POV.

“Vic! Vic, we have to take a picture together for my instagram! The fans will go nuts!” I said enthusiastically and held out my phone towards the tiny Mexican. He looked up from the piece of paper he was currently writing on and smiled a bit, shaking his head. I’d already taken a crapload of pictures for instagram and today was no exception. “Alright, come and take it, then,” Vic said and I dumped down next to him on the couch, leaning close to him, before snapping a few pictures of us.

I looked through the pictures and chose one that went up on instagram with the caption “Me and the Mexican hanging in the studio”. I knew that it’d get too many likes in too little time, but that was just fun. I put my arm around Vic to look at the piece of paper he had in his lap. “Written something interesting?” I asked.

Before Vic could get to answer, the door slammed open and in came the rest of our band members, led by the one and only Jesse. “Oooh, what’s going on here? Are we interrupting some sweet, sweet gay love?” he asked with a wide grin. I rolled my eyes at him and squeezed Vic’s arm. “As a matter of fact, you’re interrupting the very intelligent writing process of two amazing singers,” I said and stuck out my tongue at him. “Oh yeah, sure that looks like an intelligent writing process to me, doesn’t it, Mike?” Justin asked as he dumped down next to Mike, who just looked confused for a few moments. “Nah, they have paper and pen and everything, that’s some creative writing going on right there,” Mike said. I sent him a weird glance as I hadn’t expected him to say that.

Justin punched Mike’s shoulder in a friendly way, which made him get up and dump down next to Gabe instead, where he wouldn’t get punched. I noticed Vic and Mike exchanging a few knowing glances with each other, but just shrugged it off. “Shouldn’t you sing to us what you’ve written so far?” Tony said. He was pretty eager to get to the part of recording, and I couldn’t blame him. The recording process was the most exciting thing about this.

“Well, yes, but we haven’t really put it together yet, we just have a few random bits,” Vic answered, but I grabbed the paper from him and found one of my parts that we were sure was going in the song.

“Please won’t you push me for the last time,

let’s scream until there’s nothing left.

So sick of playing, I don’t want this anymore.

The thought of you’s no fucking fun

you want a martyr, I’ll be one.

Because enough’s enough, we’re done.”

I finished singing and the others nodded approvingly. Tony and Jack quickly pulled up the guitars and stuck their heads together with Jesse to make up some sick guitar riffs for the song.

As I turned to look at Vic I caught him staring at me, which made him blush just a tiny bit. I’m not even sure that man was capable of blushing properly because of his skin tone, but there was definitely some pink colour right there. I frowned a bit with a smile, but decided to shrug it off, since it was probably nothing.

“So now you’ve heard me sing some of my part, can’t I hear you sing yours?” I asked him with a friendly smile. Vic let out a deep sigh and snatched the paper from my hands, quickly reading through it, before finding his part.

“You told me think about it, well I did.

Now I don’t wanna feel a thing anymore,

I’m tired of begging for the things that I want,

I’m over sleeping like a dog on the floor.”

This time it was my time to stare. He looked so.. So vulnerable when he was singing. You could really see that he was pouring his entire soul into every word he sang and it literally gave me goose bumps. I was about to drop my jaw, but I contained myself and continued staring at him until he finished singing. I heard giggling from across the room and turned my head to see what the others were on about.

“This is sooo good, the fans will go absolutely ape shit!” Jesse said, phone in his hands, pressing the screen a few times. Justin and Jack high-fived and I looked at them with a confused expression. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Check your phone, mate,” Gabe said with a wide grin plastered across his face. I did what he asked me to and pulled my phone out of my pocket, going straight to instagram. I quickly found a picture of Vic and myself, posted by Jesse. The picture was in black and white and it was of me looking intensely at Vic as he had his eyes closed and mouth open, obviously in the middle of singing what he just sang to us. The caption read: The love is unfolding in the studio.

“I’m going to murder you, Jesse!” I exclaimed as I threw my phone on the couch next to the one I was sitting in. “You’re absolutely impossible,” I added and made an annoying noise, which just resulted in the rest of my band laughing their asses off. Vic had looked at the picture over my shoulder and he looked kind of smug. “Don’t tell me you find this funny?” I asked him, but he just shrugged. “I mean, it does no harm, does it?” he asked and raised one of his dark eyebrows. I sighed and leaned back in the couch, snatching the lyric sheet and the pen from him. “Let’s just work on the song,” I said, which instantly made Vic move closer.

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