Chapter 10.

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Thank you so much for 200+ reads on this :D
And I'm sorry for not updating much at the moment, but I'm currently living at a hostel with very bad wifi.. So I'm sharing my phone's 3G to get (kinda) proper internet acces... Sigh.

Vic’s POV.

I still had a slight headache Monday morning. The perks of drinking heavily as a 30-year-old man: two days hangovers. Oh the joy! I’d chosen to wear my sunglasses so the San Diego sun wouldn’t hurt my eyes too much as Mike and I were driving to the studio together. He kept eyeing me to make sure I was alright, which I found a bit annoying, to be honest.

“Vic,” Mike began, but I held up a hand to stop him from talking any more. I knew perfectly well what he was going to say; he was gonna give me some sort of intelligent little brother-ish speech, telling me that life is what I make it, or some shit like that, and with me still having a slight hangover, I really wasn’t in the mood for that right now.
“Mike, it’s alright. You don’t have to look after me. You’re my baby brother, so I have to look after you, not the other way around. I’m fine, I’m just gonna.. Well, get over this,” I mumbled and quickly got out of the car, closing the door before Mike could answer.

We were silent until we reached the door of our studio. Mike grabbed my arm just as I reached for the handle to push the door open. I looked up at him with a brow raised. “I have to warn you that they might act like monkeys as soon as you open the door,” he just said. I frowned at him in confusion. “What the hell do you mean by that?” I asked. He just shrugged and smiled a bit. “Open and see for yourself,” he answered.

As soon as I opened the door, the howling and the whistling started. I widened my eyes slightly and didn’t even get to see the room properly, before my sight was covered in black hair, as Jaime threw himself at me, hugging me tightly. “You go, boy!” he said with his gayest voice, which made me glare at him.

“So that’s what you mean by them acting like monkeys,” I said to Mike, which made all of the guys glare at Mike. “What did you say about us?!” Gabe yelled, making Mike hold up his hands in defence. I shook my head with a silly smile and sat down. “We’re just excited because our boy got laid!” Jesse said loudly and clapped my back pretty hard, causing me to nearly face plant the table.

They were all acting pretty childish and they refused to start recording before I gave them some details – but I had to leave out the sex part, of course, they were straight men. “Well, I just went out to this club, I don’t remember the name, but it’s not somewhere I usually go. It wasn’t even a gay club. And I had every intention of getting laid, you know. I had some girls following me around for a bit, but I guess that since I showed no interest, this kid came up to me, he was like 22 or something, and we just ended up getting hammered and going to his place,” I said with a shrug.

“He came home around five or something, completely drunk out of his mind. I had to put him to bed like the good brother I am,” Mike added to the story, which made the others laugh and me shake my head with a smile. “You’re all such pigs,” I grinned, earning several glares from the guys.

“Alright, can we get started or what?” a voice sounded from the corner of the room. I turned my head to look at Kellin, who was sat all by himself a bit away from the table. His hands were balled up in fists and he looked like he was fighting to hold something back. I couldn’t help but send him a smug smile, before pointing at Mike, indicating that he should go in and record his drumming part.

The entire day went with me feeling smug, but at the same time really shit about myself. I knew I’d only gone out to get laid to make myself forget about Kellin, but there he was, sat in front of me, looking somehow incredibly sad. His blue eyes seemed like an entire ocean of emotions, and I admit I could get lost staring into them when he wasn’t looking at me, which was quite often. He’d either stare blankly out into the air or down into his lap, where his hands were never being still, always picking at something. Maybe something had happened in his family, or something, because frankly I couldn’t see any other reason for him to be sad.

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