Chapter 4.

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For the record I have no idea how the process of writing and recording a song really goes, so I just invented something myself :)

Kellin's POV.

I peeked inside the room in the studio where we were writing our song with Pierce The Veil. The only person sitting in there was Vic and I figured Mike was out to get some coffee or something. I snuck inside the room and closed the door silently behind me without Vic noticing. He was far gone in reading the lyrics we had written so far. I couldn’t hide a small smile spreading on my lips as he didn’t notice at all how I tip-toed over to the table and leaned in over his shoulder to look at what he was doing.

He suddenly began humming lowly, mumbling a few of the words. Then he stopped abruptly and shook his head, before scratching something out with the pen and writing a few new words. He then started humming again and I joined in on the humming, which made him jump in the chair and immediately turn around, looking absolutely terrified. “Holy shit, Kells, you scared me!” he managed to say, pressing his right hand to his chest.

“I’m sorry,” I said with a grin and sat down across him, reaching a hand out for the paper in his hand. “Can I see what you’ve been writing?” I asked and he handed over the paper. I quickly ran through it and then nodded. “We’re finished soon,” Vic said, just as the thought crossed my mind and I nodded once again. “We’ll probably start the recording process next week,” I added, to which he also nodded. I was really excited about this song; I already had a feeling that it was going to be a great hit.

I leaned back in my chair and decided to just wait for the others. They were about to share with us how far they were in their musical writing process and they should be here any minute.

“You, Kells?” Vic suddenly said and I looked at him with my brows raised, indicating him to go on. He visibly took in a deep breath before handing me his phone. It was logged onto his Twitter profile and was in the mentions section. “What is it?” I asked, a bit confused. “Look at the first few mentions,” Vic instructed and so I did. I frowned as one word caught my attention in particular: Kellic. What was that? I pressed a link sent to both Vic and me in a mention and it brought me to a site called Tumblr. It was a clearly manipulated picture of myself and Vic in a romantic hug. “Woah,” I mumbled, went back to his Twitter and pressed a new link. This time it was a drawing of us sharing a very passionated kiss. “This is.. um. Weird,” I said and gave him his phone back.

Vic nodded and let out a low laugh. “Yeah, it’s totally insane,” he said whilst shaking his head. I didn’t really know how I should react to this. Apparently people were now ‘shipping’ us. That much I understood. And our shipper name was apparently Kellic. I frowned a bit as I stared down at the table, trying to figure out why people would ship us. Then I remembered Jesse’s picture and I let out an involuntarily noise. “What?” Vic asked, his head snapping up from the paper, but I just shook my head and shrugged.

The door opened up and in came the rest of our band members. “Are you guys ready to hear what we have so far?” Jaime blurted out excitedly. Vic and I just nodded and they all grabbed an instrument each. Mike and Gabe had a pair of drumsticks each and after sharing a glance they both counted the beat and they all started playing for a minute or two.

“That actually fits pretty well with this part,” Vic said, pointing to the paper in his hand. The others gathered around him to look at what was written on the paper. He started explaining a few things whilst I was just watching them. Mike opened his mouth to comment on something, but I didn’t really listen. It was funny to see how Vic was very concentrated when it came to writing music. He really loved doing it and it was visible; he frowned a lot, his eyes were shining a bit more than usual, he spoke faster and he really tried to make others understand what he was thinking.

I shook my head slowly as I caught myself staring too much at him. I should really get involved in this instead of just staring. “When you get to the interlude we should really use some really sick guitar notes,” Jack’s voice sounded as I returned to the normal world. “Yeah, you know, something like this,” Tony added and then played a few chords on his guitar. “Yeah, but for the part where we go Hail Mary, forgive me, blood for blood... We should put the instruments on a low key or something,” Vic said.

The rest of the day went by discussing and adjusting details to the song. We were as ready as we could be to start the recording process and I was almost bouncing with excitement.

“Alright, let’s take it from the top, shall we?” Vic asked and waved me over. I went to stand next to him, seeing as we both found that we were singing better when we were standing. The others were ready with their unplugged instruments and Mike and Gabe counted the beat before they started playing.

We sang and played the entire song and exchanged high fives after. “This is gonna be amazing,” Mike said, to which we all nodded. “So we’ll start the recording process next week, yeah?” Gabe asked, looking for approval from all of us. “Yeah, first thing Monday morning. We’ll meet here at 10, alright?” I said, to which the others nodded again.

“Kellin, can I ask you something?” Vic’s voice sounded behind me as I was on my way to my car outside after we had called it a day and wished each other a good weekend. I looked up and saw him standing closer to me than I thought. “Yeah, what’s up?” I said with a small smile, leaning against my car. “Um, I was just wondering if you were doing anything tonight? Me and the guys are all going out for drinks,” he said, messing a bit with his hair, and then he added: “You can bring the other guys from your band if you want.”

I smiled at him and opened the door to my car. “I’d like that very much. I’ll text the others later and see who’ll show up, yeah?” I said. Vic nodded eagerly. “We’re meeting up at Tony’s and then figuring where we’re going. Say, 10?” he said and I nodded, before squeezing his shoulder and getting into my car, driving away.

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