Chapter 7.

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Holy shit guys! More than 100 reads on this after only 6 chapters! Thank you so much :D I hope you enjoy it!

Kellin’s POV.

I still wasn’t sure that Vic told the truth the other day about being mad at me. He was acting a bit weird around me, not as relaxed as he usually was which worried me slightly, to be honest. It wasn’t all fun and games recording a song with a guy who may or may not be mad at you.

“Vic, it’s your turn to record vocals today!” Justin said whilst Jaime excitedly clapped his hands, as we were all sat in the studio at 10am that morning. Vic received a few comments as he walked up and over to the microphone stand to put on his headphones. Mike was helping him with all the technical stuff, but Vic and I had stayed in longer yesterday to fix most of the technical stuff, even though being alone with him was really awkward to be honest.

Vic had already been warming his voice up earlier today, but he still did a few quick exercises with it before he started singing. As soon as he opened his mouth and the first tone came out, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. I had heard him sing before loads of times, but nothing serious. This was serious; it was final recording for the song. And boy, it was completely different from what he sounded like on their other recordings. His voice was so much more raw when they hadn’t done anything to it, and to be honest I liked it better this way. Raw and unpolished, it fit him perfectly.

The more he went on singing, the crazier my stomach went. I had no idea why I was reacting like that, since it was mostly something that happened whenever I was nervous or really excited. Of course I was excited for the song to be finished and all, but it wasn’t like that.

I had butterflies in my stomach, but it didn’t fit this situation at all. Was I in love or something? Butterflies usually came with that. I let out a low snort as I pushed the thought away; there was no one in this room I could develop those kinds of feelings for.

Yet I kept staring at Vic as he was continuing to sing and I couldn’t even look away as he stepped away from the microphone and put the headphones down, smiling widely like a maniac. We were all supposed to listen to his voice over and over again now, deciding if there was anything that he had to change and put a few effects on all of it.

I could just feel that I wasn’t in the mood for this, so I instantly got up and headed to the door. I barely noticed as the others called out for me, I just ignored them and hurried out on the hall, having no idea which direction I was headed in. I found myself running up the stairs and in the end I reached the roof, where I went out to sit for a bit, so I could clear my head.

What happened in there was too weird for me to handle. My body was reacting completely unusual to the sound of Vic’s voice and how he looked when he was singing each word with passion, pouring his soul into it. My heart continued to beat fast even after my breath had calmed down.

“Kellin, what the fuck happened in there?” a voice sounded behind me. I turned my head and saw Jesse walk towards me, eventually dumping down next to me where I was sitting. I shook my head slowly to let him know that I had no idea. “I- I suddenly felt a bit ill,” I tried to lie, but I could tell he didn’t believe me at all.

“Don’t lie to me, Kellin,” he said, crossing his arms, silently demanding me to tell him the truth – even though I didn’t know myself what the truth was.

I just shook my head again and then lifted my shoulders, letting them fall down again slowly seconds after. “I really don’t know, Jesse. I can’t tell you, because I don’t know what happened,” I mumbled, looking down at my hands. It wasn’t possible that I was starting to develop feelings for Vic, it just wasn’t possible. I wasn’t gay and he probably wasn’t either, so it wouldn’t lead to anything good anyway, I told myself.

“Let’s just go back in then, aye?” Jesse said and got up, pulling me up along with him. I felt slightly dizzy, so I leaned against the wall as we walked down the stairs, to support myself. I knew I had to be there when we were going through Vic’s vocals, even though I really didn’t want to. He’d been there as well when we went through mine, so I just had to do it.

All the others looked up as me and Jesse walked in. He’d probably instructed the others not to say anything when he came back with me, before he left, because none of them asked if I was alright. “There you were,” Gabe just said and clapped on a chair I could sit in. Vic and Mike were completely lost in listening to Vic’s vocals already, so I had a bit of time to gather my thoughts, before I had to tell them all my opinion on Vic’s singing.

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