Chapter 2.

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Vic’s POV.

Our band was sitting in a room in the building of our management, casually chatting away with a few important people and each other. We were about to meet up with the guys from Sleeping With Sirens and just have a casual day of getting to know each other a bit, before we started the process of writing a song. I had already gone through a lot of ideas in my head and I hoped that this Kellin dude would agree with some of the ideas. We were the ones who were going to mainly write the lyrics.

Mike was nervously drumming on his thighs, which annoyed the crap out of me, to put it delicately. He’d done that since he was a kid and first started playing drums and it had annoyed me ever since. Jaime’s legs weren’t able to be still, as usual, but at least he didn’t make any noise like Mike did. Luckily Tony was the one who decided to send Mike a glare that would’ve instantly made him fall to the floor, if glares could kill, and that made him stop.

The door opened and the first one who stepped into the room was Kellin Quinn. I immediately sat up straight and I have to admit that I stared at him. Black half-long and messy hair, the shiniest blue eyes I’d ever seen, a mouth so delicate I almost couldn’t tear my gaze away from it, a body that was hidden by rather tight clothes much like my own. He looked so incredibly good I actually forgot how to breathe for a few seconds and I had to tell myself to do it, which made me inhale sharply, making Mike eye me oddly. My bandmates all knew I was gay and Mike had probably noticed that I found Kellin quite good-looking, which to be honest was an understatement. He was gorgeous.

“Hi guys!” Kellin then decided to say and I found myself even more attracted to him as I heard his voice. It was sweet and almost innocent-sounding. Jaime jumped up from the couch, walked to Kellin and gave him a bear hug as though they’d known each other for years. But that was just Jaime in a nutshell. Kellin looked kind of surprised so the rest of us decided to rescue Jaime by getting up to greet them as well.

As we sat down in the couches, our two bands randomly mixed together, I found myself sitting next to Kellin. I quickly found out that he even smelled good. Was there anything about this dude who wasn’t positive?

“So, we’re really writing a song together,” it came from Justin, one of the Sleeping guys. It did sound kind of odd when you thought about it: two bands who didn’t know each other, brought together by their fans who wanted a song.

“Apparently so,” Mike answered with a goofy smile and we all laughed, which kind of removed the tension.

We started talking about the song, making jokes and goofing around as though we’d known each other for a while. I tried to scoop closer to Kellin, but he didn’t seem to notice at all. Every time he smiled I couldn’t help but smile as well. He was so good looking and he seemed genuinely sweet at the same time, which made me happy.

I caught myself staring at him more than once, which he obviously didn’t notice either. But Mike surely did. He never commented on it, though, luckily.


“What was that with you and Kellin today?” Mike asked once we were back home. I took a bite of the pizza slice in my hand – we were usually too lazy to cook anything ourselves – just to buy myself some time to think. But I knew it wouldn’t do any good with a lie. “He’s attractive,” I answered him, mouth still full of pizza, which made Mike make a face at me. He hated it when you spoke with food in your mouth. I just grinned stupidly at him and you could just see how he wanted to slap me right then and there.

“So are you gonna do anything about it?” Mike asked after he’d calmed himself down a bit. I shook my head and this time I was polite enough to finish chewing before I answered. “Nope. Not yet, at least. Right now I’m going to assume he’s straight,” I said with a shrug. Mike frowned at me and I knew what he was about to say.

“I know you can’t just assume things like that, but that’s what I do with everyone. I won’t just start flirting with him if he turns out to be straight. I wouldn’t want to freak him out,” I said whilst holding up a finger. Mike just nodded and threw out the pizza boxes after we finished eating.

I went to stick my head into the huge fridge we had, not really sure what I was looking for. “What will you do if you find out he is gay, then?” Mike’s voice sounded from behind me. I settled for a bottle of water and closed the fridge, unscrewing the cap of the bottle. “I don’t know yet, it’s not like I’ve planned our entire gay marriage yet,” I say and then gulp down some water. Mike grinned as I had to press my palms against my forehead, seeing as I got a bit of a brain freeze from the water.

“Oh I’m sure you already named your beautiful adopted kids,” Mike teased, which caused me to screw back on the cap of the bottle and then throw it in his direction. He caught it mid-air, opened it and drank a bit himself. “I have not. I’m not even sure how he is as a person yet, I’ve only just met him today, you know. He could be the biggest asshole on Earth,” I point out, which just made Mike laugh loudly.

“I bet he has the biggest asshole on Earth,” he continued to tease. I stood up straight, looked him directly into the eyes and said: “When I’m done with him, I can assure you he has the biggest asshole on Earth.”

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