Chapter 13.

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Vic’s POV:

I closed the door with a loud bang and threw everything in the hallway in a big messy pile, before stomping out into the kitchen, grabbing myself a drink of some strong alcohol. I didn’t even look at the bottle and pinched my nose, before gulping it down and making a weird face at the strong taste. One glass definitely wasn’t enough.

Mike entered the kitchen, closely followed by Tony, as I was in the middle of gulping down my third glass of whatever I was drinking. He frowned at me and walked straight over to remove the glass from my grip. I stared at him with an annoyed glance and took a sip directly of the bottle instead. “Vic, for fucks sake!” he said, with an annoyed voice, before taking that away from me as well.

“I’m a grown man, Mike, I can handle my shit, thank you very much,” I snapped at him and tried to take back the bottle of alcohol, but he wouldn’t let me. “Right now you’re sure as hell not acting like an adult. What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked and I rolled my eyes at him. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?

Tony walked over to where we were standing and sent me an odd glare. “Vic-“ he began, but I quickly interrupted him: “Thanks for your shit advice, man. I can’t even be friends with him! I really tried, I did, but he fucking ruined it by fleeing the scene!”

Mike frowned as he was pretty confused. He had no idea what Tony had told me to do, but he’d probably guess it soon enough, so I ignored him and so did Tony, for now. “What happened?” he asked, which made me let out an annoyed noise. “We were at the beach, having fun even, swimming around. Suddenly he grabbed me, as a part of some stupid game we were playing and he just stared at me for ages, before fleeing. He said he had to go home, I really don’t know why. And then I told him to stop acting like that and he said that we shouldn’t be friends and just focus on the song and nothing else.. So I got mad and I kissed him and I left,” I said, waving my hand as if it didn’t mean anything.

Mike let out a deep sigh and Tony shook his head. “Didn’t I tell you to stop messing with his feelings? And seriously, Vic, I’m pretty sure I did tell you he’s really fucking confused,” Tony said, sounding pretty annoyed. The fact that he swore just made me stare blankly at him, unable to give him an answer.

“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Mike agreed with Tony and I put my hands on my hips. “Yeah sure, go against me all you want. I’m sick and tired of this fucking shit, I just want this song to be done now so he can get the fuck out of my life!” I said, making a move to disappear into my room. “Well, it’s entirely up to you what you wanna do, but hell; give the poor guy a chance to sort out his feelings, before you go around yelling at him and then kissing him. He’s confused enough as it is,” Mike said. I bit my lip as I perfectly well knew that, but it just annoyed the crap out of me, that Kellin was one moment staring at me like he was about to kiss me and the next moment he was fleeing the scene. It was pure torture to wait for him to accept his feelings and come to me, and I wasn’t even sure that he would come to me. Maybe he just wanted to continue being straight.

I was about to give Mike a stupid comment when the doorbell rang. Mike sent me a glare, before he went to answer, leaving me and Tony alone in the kitchen. “Better make this up if you want to continue at least a friendship with Kellin,” he said, nearly lifting a finger at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, just wanting him to shut up. I left the kitchen and found that Mike was still standing by the door. “Get rid of whoever it is, we don’t want anything, Mike!” I demanded, but he didn’t listen. Instead he stepped aside and I stared directly at Kellin, who was standing in the door.

“For you,” Mike said to me, just as Tony walked out of the kitchen. The two of them exchanged a quick glance, before both putting on their shoes, deciding to leave. “W-where are you going?” I asked, not wanting to be alone with Kellin. “Out, brother,” Mike answered, before they both moved past Kellin and disappeared.

Kellin was still just standing in the doorway, waiting for permission to get in, so I waved my hand at him and walked to the living room, where he soon joined me on the couch, sitting on the edge of it, seeming insanely nervous. “So, want to apologise for being an asshole?” I asked him, but he shook his head. “Don’t treat me like that, Vic,” he mumbled and I narrowed my eyes. “I shouldn’t treat you like that?” I asked and he shook his head without looking directly at me. “You shouldn’t treat me like that! You shouldn’t pretend that everything’s okay and the next fucking moment practically run away from me like you just committed a crime or something. You shouldn’t pretend to be my friend if you don’t want to be my friend. Hell, you shouldn’t be gay if you can’t figure out how to do it!” I said, but I regretted the last part as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

The glance Kellin send me was filled with sadness and disappointment – mostly towards himself, I assumed. “I know,” he whispered and got up from the couch to leave. I got up too and shook my head. “No, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” I quickly said, but he shrugged it off and walked to the hallway. “You’re absolutely right, I shouldn’t do any of those things,” he said as he put on his shoes. I desperately tried to think of a way to make him stay and I ended up doing the most childish thing I could think of: I simply leaned against the door to block it.

As he noticed, he frowned and asked me to move, but I refused. “Vic, for fucks sake, move so I can get out,” he repeated himself. I shook my head and looked at him with a stubborn glare. I knew this was stupid and I should just let him leave, but I couldn’t. We needed to figure this out.

“Vic!” he said loudly, but I still didn’t move anywhere, which resulted in him trying to push me out of the way instead. I stood my ground and Kellin struggled.

We kept going on like that for a few minutes, but in the end Kellin just gave up and stared blankly at me. “What do you want?” he asked, blowing some hair out of his eyes. I stared into those blue eyes of his and took a deep breath. “You,” I answered.

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