The Bite

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"I'm going out!" I shouted up to my mom from the door. The smell of smoke and alcohol was overwhelming as it wafted around me from her room. I could have gaged.

"Don't get pregnant!" She screamed dryly back to me.

"Let's just worry about that with you, Ma." I hollered. Before she would do anything to rash with the beer in her system, I quickly ran out the heavy metal door and down the dark street.

They had told me to meet them by the old bar tonight. I was ready to do anything stupid or illegal tonight; I had a rough week with 'mother'. Not completely aware of what was going to happen with my crew, I quickly made my way down the wet main streets of Seattle, Washington. As usual, the rainy weather had gathered over the cities gray skies. Happily, it stayed up in the dark clouds above. Don't get me wrong, I love my city! It's the only place I've known and the most exciting place I have ever been. This part of town, though, was dangerous. It was the city to be caught in this huge outbreak of murders a few years back, but it seemed to have died down since then.

I turned the corner to the abandoned bar eager to see my friends. My smile disappeared as the building was deserted. Checking the interior, I still had no sign from them. A flicker of movement caught my attention from the slight breeze. Looking closer, I saw a thin piece of paper weighed under by a beer bottle. I unfolded it to see a note scrawled messily, drunkenly, on it.


I frowned to myself. Nice group of friends you got there, Dee. I thought desperately to my sad thoughts. Unbelievably enough, this has happened before, with the same people too. Why I keep coming back to them is a mystery. It's probably because I can't stand being alone or not having someone to talk to about my problems with, or see how their day was going.

"Get over it!" I mumbled to myself. Ripping the page in two, I let the pieces fly away into the crisp night air. The beer bottle looked very kind to me from here. I grabbed the bottle and chugged the whole thing down my pathetic throat. Not yet satisfied, I searched for more in the bar no one wants. Nothing. I didn't want to be caught by them while I crawled desperately on the dirty floor like a true drunk, so I brushed myself off and headed to who knows where.

Going through a series of turns, and alleys I soon got lost...or mislead. It was very dark outside and I wasn't as used to this part of town yet. I took a bad turn and knew I should have turned right back around, but reason didn't hit me as hard as I was expecting; must've been the booze. My heavy foot falls were the only sound in the deserted alley, but I felt like I was being watched. It was as if someone or thing was staring right at me without me knowing. Just to make sure I did a sudden 180 to check behind me. No one. I spun back around and quickened my pace, I didn't like the quietness. It felt wrong.

Soon I was running at full speed through the unknown street of Seattle, Washington. The rain had finally erupted from the black sky above. My footsteps grew louder through the empty bricks with every step I took on the pavement. I still had no idea who or what I was running from I just had an instinct to run as fast as I could. My breathing grew labored, but I still didn't dare to stop.

Then, I heard it. A laugh. A high voice laugh that had to come from a woman. It echoed off the wet bricks around me. I stopped in my tracks for a moment. The laugh was out of enjoyment and happiness. I didn't stop for long. Soon I was barreling through the street again, trying desperately to get out.

Out of nowhere, something hit my side and sent me sprawling into a trash can. I was too stunned to move from my spot. The dreadful laughter continued. I knew she would kill me. I didn't know why, but something felt like she would.

"Who's there?" I called stupidly in a hoarse voice. The fear I tried to cover showed through clearly. Wonderful. I sat still in the wet, deserted street that was in the middle of nowhere.

Again, i heard the cheerful laughter of a woman from the opposite side of the road. I called again, but she didn't answer my pleas. Tears streamed down my face as I counted the ways someone could kill me. A car. A gun. A knife. The list kept growing as I sat waiting. I knew I should have gotten up and ran again, but I couldn't bring myself to run longer again.

The laughter erupted closer this time. Like she was watching my fleeting retreat. I started crawling towards the closest shop door, praying it was unlocked. Sparkling laughter flowed faster and louder. I sped up my speed as the same cold, watching feeling that chased me came again.

A cold, hard hand grabbed hold of my shoulder roughly as i arrived at an entrance to an unknown store front. I screamed with the last breath i had left from my mad dash. The crushing hold didn't falter. I sobbed, trying to both free my hand and plead for my life. It was pathetic really, but I had no other choice.

I saw her lean into my throat, almost as if she was giving me a kiss. Then I felt the cold, sharp teeth sink into my flesh like a knife. I screamed in terror at the terrible sensation the bight had given me. Trying to get away, I thrashed wildly on the ground but she kept me easily still under her.

It was as if I was burning from the inside out. My world grew dark around me, the pain did not stop. I couldn't stay conscious. The last thing I saw before falling into blackness was the red eyes of the women staring down at me like I was a prize.


first chapter(: ik short but wht can i say :P Any way...if u didnt already nooo this is a fan fiction for twilight and i hope u like it!!!! The cover was made by Dinoshawr and its amazing!!




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