The Cullen Family

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A massive, gorgeous house loomed ahead perched perfectly atop the flowing field. It had nothing but windows on the side that faced us. Inside, from the window view, looked almost as gorges as the outside. The home suited the Cullen family well, even though I've known them for about five minutes. I slowed to a quick human pace and then stopped to gaze up at the beauty of the large home. Jasper joined me but said nothing.

"I like it." Was the only thing I could think of to say, as the awkward silence spread for longer than what was comfortable. Sometimes Jasper was an approachable man and others very closed off...I was beginning to learn this quickly.

"Home sweet home," He muttered and started towards the house again. I watched him go, then followed defeated behind his perfect grace. As we reached the front porch, a strange stench wafted towards me. It smelt of wet dog, and other unknown scents. I wanted to gag...if I could. I could see Jasper tense in front of me.

The bushed on the far side of the drive way shook violently and massive footfalls ran through them. My nose wrinkled as the aroma grew stronger. As if on command, a huge wolf thing jumped out of the wet brush and launched itself towards me. I froze. What the hell was this thing?

Jasper acted quicker than me. He suddenly skidded to a halt in front of me, crouched in a protective stance with his back to me facing the wolf. It landed with a small thud before us, its teeth bared in a fierce angle. Something inside me yearned to take his head off. A wicket smile crept across my face at the thought of the stinky animal dead in my hands. The wolf saw my smile and deepened its roar. I answered it with a defiant, twinkling laugh. What could he do to me? My muscles were strong and bones unbreakable. I was invincible to all.

"Jacob!" Edward yelled from inside the home. Who's Jacob? He appeared shortly after the sound left the walls in front of the thing. Even though Edward was very tall, he shrunk next to the beast. He didn't hesitate to place a hand on the furry shoulder to hold the dog in place. I didn't know why, but I was enjoying this.

"Control your mongrel, Bella." Rosalie complained from her spot in the couch. From here I knew she must've been sitting. I heard Bella's quick footsteps join us out here. She stood before the dog and spoke quietly to it. The silence soon grew as he mauled over whatever she had said to him. Finally, he looked at me again. I couldn't help but to smile.

This angered the beast, it bared it's teeth once more and a growl greeted my ears. Edward pulled Bella to him, in a vain attempt to protect her. To me it looked like an old habit from the way he soon released her small form. You know what they say: Old habits die hard.

The wolf began to move towards me yet again. Jasper growled a warning, but it was a quiet, low hum. Not enough for me. I barred my teeth and allowed a fierce roar rip through my chest. The Cullen family tensed all around me. I could feel the air around me, tasted the sudden change. All but Jasper. He stayed calmly before me, not flinching though he was the closest to hear. Even the wolf froze for a second longer. Before reason came I found myself before the beast, just inches from his stench.

Venom filled my mouth as I yearned to end him myself. I saw the same thought cross his eyes as I bared my sharp teeth towards his throat. Time to go, puppy, I thought happily to myself. Suddenly, arms crashed down upon my own. They were constricted behind my back in an odd angel that should have sent pain to my brain-It didn't. Another pair clamped my other, more exposed side if you will. I laughed at the confused look on the dogs face as Jasper and Edward pulled me up the porch and into the house. They set me on the floor softly. I rolled to my stomach with laughter. The wolf-or Jacob as they seem to call it- looked as soft as a kitten would. Another howl of laughter screeched through my lips. Then I remembered where I was.

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