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It was twilight. Everything was still as the beach settled into a continuous sleep that only it could accept. The waves had turned to a soft crashing sound in the far distance as the reflecting sky changed from its once bright heavens to a dark night. The world was quite as the night rolled in to claim it's victims till the light returned. A low muffled hum retreaded steadily until it was barely audible above the ocean's dark water. All was calm. All was peaceful.

Jasper stirred slightly from under my body, making my eyes open half way, not wanting to ruin the perfect scene in my mind. We had lay there on the cushioning ground for what felt like moments in each other's embrace. He was now staring down at me with pure happiness in his dark eyes. It was still a thrill to feel his gaze on me over and over again.

"We should go home." I heard his soft voice murmur, muffled slightly by him nuzzling my wild hair sprayed out onto his pale arm. The colors complimented each other perfectly. I groaned at the thought of being back under the stealthy watch of the Cullens. He chuckled darkly, stroking my cheek gently.

"I've already told Esme that we would give Alice a day to come to terms with the idea of this. It's been five, and it will take us another one just to get back to Washington."

"Can't we just stay here forever?" I whined like the child I am, and even buried my face into his stone side trying desperately to escape reason. But, alas, it always finds a way.

"We could," Jasper replied smoothly, reaching for my chin. I allowed myself to be hoisted into a sitting position on his exposed lap. I have never seen anything more beautiful than Jasper naked, ever. His lips crushed mine eagerly, and left just as quickly. "But we should go home. I'm sure Jacob misses you."

I laughed against his bare neck. "Oh, how could I forget Jacob?" My voice turned higher in mock shock. "How will I ever go on without him?" I plastered the back of my hand to my forehead and slumped against Jasper, feigning a faint. His body rocked with laughter under me. I soon joined in, not able to hold in my happiness for long.

After a long pause, I finally let out a long sigh. "Fine," I glanced around the empty beach twice, not finding the objects we had come here with. "Where are my clothes?"

A pained expression came across Jasper's face when I turned back to face him. "Do you have to put them back on?" His voice was pleading, as if death would consume him yet again when I'd pull the cloth over my body once more. I smiled darkly as I rose to my feet.

"Now that we're going home," I bent down to give him a quick peck on the cheek before continuing. "I will always have to wear them." Another desperate look crossed his features.

I felt a hand grab my arm when I started towards the mismatching pile of clothing. It yanked me down onto his lap again. I smiled as he started kissing hungrily towards my lips. Jasper pulled me tighter against his body as I forced his back to the ground. He showed no sign of ever moving again. I didn't have a problem with that, of course. Our lips moved in a beautiful melody only our ears could ever hear, could ever understand.

Soon I broke the connection by slipping easily out of his locked arms. He seemed irritated by my still stronger ability to decide when to end a moment. I smiled hugely to myself as I went to hunt down our clothing that was strewn out just about everywhere. My skirt was shabby and rough against my skin as I fetched Jasper's clothes. He took them graciously, though I was terribly sad to see them back in place, covering every possible inch of him. I crossed my arms, looking out across the perfect ocean on Mexico. My heart sank at the thought of leaving our beach behind to return to the rain slicked forest of Forks again. Back to the rain. Back to the constant hiding, even in our own home.

"I know," Jasper whispered from my side. I glanced at him, but he was also gazing at the bright blue ocean we both have come to love. "I'll miss it, too"

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