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Jasper told me all about vampires while we sat together in the rain besides the body. So far he had told me how I was probably changed, which explained the weird bight I had received. He told me about his family, Edward, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Bella, and Rosalie. And, of course, he talked about blood. Jasper answered my questions gracefully, answering even the most stupid ones.

"Why do we live on blood?" I asked the question absentminded, finally looking up at the pale boy after listening to everything without eye contact. His gold eyes looked across the field, full of knowledge of things I'd never understand.

"Vampires have always lived off of blood, that's what we've done since the beginning of time. No one knows exactly why, we just know that it's the only way to survive. Without blood, you'll drive yourself crazy with starvation and soon lose control of all sense of humanity." I nodded, remembering how easily I had fallen into an animal like state from the blood filled humans.

"So, humans are killed because of us? There's nothing else to stop it?" I was referring to the burning that was building inside my throat. If I didn't mention the actual word then I wouldn't think much of it.

"Most vampires do drink the blood of humans. They don't care about balance and the life of people. There is another way, however." There was a gleam of excitement in his eyes as he glanced down at me. I felt a smile creep up my face at his look.

"I don't want to kill people, Jasper." My smile disappeared and I looked down at the bodies. I felt my throat burn at the remembrance of the sweet blood trickling down my throat. The blood had acted like a savior to me, I wasn't sure if I was able to give that up.

Jasper tensed next to me as I mauled over the terrible memory. As I looked up at him, I saw a strange, hungry look pass over him then was gone almost instantly like I was imaging it. He quickly nodded his head.

"Animal blood is the closest thing to humans. It's not as good," He paused and swallowed hard. "But you don't have to kill people for it." A glimmer of hope ran through me. Animals, that's something I can do.

Although I didn't like the idea of killing anything, I'd rather it be an animal instead of a human being with a family who will miss them if I happen to be thirsty after I come upon them. I nodded excitedly at Jasper, and he continued with the history and the many senses of vampires. He even told me what newly created vampires were called. Newborn, that's exactly what I felt like.

We sat there for a while. It didn't stop raining, but I knew the sun had left the horizon somehow. Jasper had stopped talking after a little bit, and left us in a comfortable silence. I tried to gather the thoughts of my new life inside my brain. I didn't hear Jasper the first time, and then more loudly he asked again.

"What is your name?" I had forgotten that I only knew his. Searching my still jumbled thoughts, I tried finding my name that my mother had given me. Why was this so hard?

"Deeandra Jean." Suddenly, that name sounded too formal, so I added quickly: "You can call me Dee." I smiled at his amused face as I gave him my nickname.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dee." To my surprise, he held out his hand like any gentlemen would after meeting someone. Maybe this life wouldn't be so different. I took his hand gently, not wanting to hurt him after he had just explained that new vampires had more strength because of our blood still hidden in the tissue that gave us almost extra strength then we needed. We didn't shake; we just sat there holding each other's hands in midair.

A familiar sound of running feet greeted my ears. They were far off, more than a mile. I turned my head to look for the approaching vampire. I knew they were a vampire because of their speed and lightest footfalls. The humans here were loud and slow, nothing compared to us. Suddenly, the sound multiplied, it sounded like seven were running this way. Jasper dropped my hand and awaited the arrival of the oncoming vampires with me. I silently thanked him for staying on the ground by my side.

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