A Look into the Past

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I rose to my feet as the sun did from the horizon. Its glow didn't last long; the gray clouds hid it from sight before it had time to dry the morning dew that rested peacefully on the green below my window. I could already hear Renesmee playing with a hair brush Rosalie had given her. The house was alive with our morning routine.

Making my way to my closet I quickly pulled on a black wrap around skirt, with a loose white tank top. Returning to my 'jacket/accessory holder' or the shelves Edward used for CDs, I threw on a black cropped military jacket and white wedge heels to go with it. I caught my reflection in the full body mirror before retreating into the hall. If only my so called friends could see me now. I almost laughed at the thought of their mouths popping open when I glided effortlessly towards them.

My throat burned as I made my way down the hall slowly. Wincing at the sudden pain, I was glad today was when the hunting party got back home; I'd be able to go the day after. Jasper, Emmett, Esme, and Alice should be coming back today after their three day trip. It excited me to see him again after a too long separation. I'd be going with Rosalie and Edward when Renesmee and Bella stay close to home with Jacob. My red eyes had slowly drifted into more of an orangey color know that I stayed close to the vegetarian diet the Cullen's took to so easily. I hadn't drunk human blood since that fateful day when the stench of the two men was too much for me. Pushing the dark thought away, I descended the stairs to join Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Renesmee.

Renesmee smiled her wide smile from her spot on the floor at me. I couldn't resist returning the happiness. Before I realized it, her bouncing curls flew into my arms. Of course I caught her easily and cradled her on my hip; my reflexes were faster than ever. It was hard not to love Nessie, as was her nickname they all seem to have adopted from Jacob as I heard the story. She tapped her ivory colored palm on my forehead softly.

I saw my own smiling face through her memories, but a strange longing went through me as Nessie described it her own way.

"I missed you, too." I whispered with a sly smile. She laughed musically in my arms and showed me putting her down on the floor. As I was about to, her hand reached up to me again. This time I saw her sitting in the place she was with me behind her, brushing the long locks Bella refused to cut. I nodded to the silent plea and carried her as if she was a feather to her spot.

Bella smiled lovingly at her daughter from under Edward's long arm while Nessie placed a black comb in my pale hand. Slowly, with as much delicacy as I could so as not to hurt her in any way, I began to run the comb softly through her curls that descended down her back. I marveled at how the color was exactly like Edwards messy hair, but with the same curls Bella seemed to possess as well. Nessie sat still on the ground in a yellow sun dress that perfectly traveled down her long frame. Though they assure me she is a little over three years old, it amazed me how much older she looked from that.

After a few moments on the ground with her, I began to hear the light running feet of the hunting party returning to the house. It took mere seconds until it was obvious everyone else heard the arrival as well. Finally, after absentmindedly brushing, the four Cullen's finally entered the door. First Emmett burst through, smiling widely at everyone. Then, Esme and Alice followed smoothly from behind, greeting the family. Finally after three long days apart, a blonde haired beauty with a slight smile perfectly carved into his lips slipped effortlessly through the door way. He wore the same light blue polo and dark washed jeans as the night he left with not a spot on it. Jasper glanced around the room before resting his gaze on me. His smile widened as he saw what I was doing. I returned the smile a count too late before returning to style Nessie's already perfect hair the way she wanted it.

She tapped her palms to my head to get my attention. I saw Bella carefully gather Nessie's bronze hair into a high ponytail in the image she showed me. Nodding my head, I replicated the hairstyle the best I could. In the end it looked presentable for all. She jumped to her feet and twirled in a tight circle to show off her new dew and threw herself into my arms for a hug. It surprised me, but I returned it easily with a small laugh.

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