Jasper's Point of View (Six Months Earlier)

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Emmett ran at my side as we raced back to the house after I beat him in yet another mock fight that only we knew about. He was still fuming about it as we leapt freely across the slow rolling river. The sun was just breaking through the heavy clouds after days hidden behind them. Dull rays of sunshine played at the edge of my vision, turning my skin to a fait sparkle barely visible to my keen eyes.

"Rematch, tomorrow." Came a playful hiss next to me. Emmett extended his muscular hand towards me, not slowing his stride. Shrugging, I shook it at the same leisure pace. I felt the flood of excitement roll off of him in waves as strong as hurricanes. Why did the little things always make him so happy?

"I'd quite while I'm ahead...or in your case, behind." I teased averting my eyes so they were staring straight ahead. Emmett barreled into me playfully, but I dodged him effortlessly. Anger erupted through him suddenly, and then disappeared just as quickly.

My thoughts were focused on his next 'surprise' moves when a barely audible cry carried by the breeze hit my acute ears suddenly. I tried to find the culprit of the slight disruption in the wind, but came across nothing. Emmett's realization hit me before he did. I was sent spiraling to the ground beneath my giant brother. His laughs echoed through the forest.

"Did you hear that?" I asked quickly, quieting him for a moment. We listened intently through the silence. Nothing reached me. Silently I rose to my feet and stalked forwards towards the thought direction from the scream, not willing to give up as easily as Emmett had.

Then, the cry erupted through the loud silence violently. We were close now; the pitiful yell was louder as the distance lessened. Emmett's surprise was easy to recognize. We followed the voice of the crier.

"Who's out there?" He wondered out loud as he usually did. Just then a sharp mingle of scents wafted in our direction as we darted swiftly through the dense trees and brush. I picked up on it faster than my brother.

"Vampire." I growled through bared teeth, prepared for a fight. Then the other scent met my strong nose. It smelt more of human than of vampire, but yet was both. Emmett met my glance steadily; the confused features matched his own. The aroma grew stronger with each stride. My days with the newborn army suddenly came back to me in a rush. The sent I know smelt was familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

An agonizing scream of pure torture halted us in our fast moving tracks. We both stared wide-eyed at the close clearing.

"Human." Emmett breathed.

A red haired girl lay thrashing miserably on the wet ground looking like she was being pulled in different directions violently before us; her blood caked lips were parted for another cry. One lean hand was wrapped around the side of her throat as still wet blood covered almost her entire body. She was as helpless as a newborn puppy. Then it hit me. She was a newborn, but not the puppy kind. That was the familiar scent. The sharp tang of a newborn's closing day of changing. The girl was changing; which explained the screams. I felt the need to help her, protect her, stronger than I've ever felt before.

"Newborn." I stated.

Unthinkably, I strode into the clearing towards the girl, ignoring whatever Emmett was saying to me. I didn't notice anything else but the crumbled girl not ten yards away. If she saw me coming, she didn't show anything but pain, sadness, and even regret played on her features. I wanted to know her, to talk to her, to understand this mystery girl.

Then, everything was on fire. A burning sensation erupted through my body as if it were being burned from an invisible source, less than a yard from her. My gaze feel over my body, but found it in tack, not even smoldering. Taking a defeated step backwards, I doubled over in agony. Before realizing it, screams poured out of my own mouth at the same moments as the girl beside me. I watched helplessly as I was being scorched from the inside out. Thinking past the terrible pain and hopelessness I felt the change coming to an end. She must have been lying here for days; undetected by my family’s ears and eyes. Another blood-curdling scream screeched out of our throats.

"Jasper!" Emmett yelled in shock from his new position over my body. I couldn't answer, the words made no sense in my mouth. All I could stutter was a faint: "Carlisle." Before it was drowned out by the girl's violent shriek.

Emmett nodded fearfully and silently streaked out of view the fastest I've seen him go in years, maybe decades. I was alone in my pain as I rocked with fiery pain. I tried to control my pain, keeping it locked inside me. My screams of torture became less and less, but the pain grew greater with each second under the invisible burning. The screams of pain from the mysterious girl beside me took a heavy toll on me, more than I thought could. I didn't know this girl, nor have I ever seen her, but the strangest feeling took over my whole self when I saw her wild body bloody with her own.

In between her cries, screams, and screeches I heard her whimper one sentence that I doubt she knew she even uttered. They sent a chill through me even through the searing heat.

"Kill...me...please." Then she seemed to have fainted from the terrible pain I sat through with her. The words were so pleading it was hard to believe they were uttered by a child. Yes, she looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, a mere child in my case.

Then, her body vibrated violently next to mine. A new kind of pain ripped through us both and I cried a terrible cry that wove its way between her own.

Edward's stricken face suddenly appeared into my line of view. He was, after all, the fastest of my adopted family. I didn't hear any of them come, nor did I concentrate hard. The pain grew with each passing moment. Was it possible for me to die like this? To somehow burn forever more until finally I returned to a smoldering pile of ash?

"You're going to be fine, Jazz." I heard him say faintly. His voice sounded as though he was on an opposite side of a tunnel. The words were false, of course. No one knew what was happening. I could somehow feel that beyond the overpowering burning inside of me.

"Ed-Ed-Edward...s-sh-e." I suddenly remembered to sputter out, raising a shaky hand at the still teary, bloody, and screaming girl helplessly. Finally, I remembered Edward's suddenly handy ability to hear my jumbled thoughts.

HELP HER. I thought miserably as Carlisle started to assess the confusing situation. Thankfully, Edward nodded without a word and turned to the child. He had blocked my view from her, but not the horrifying screams she refused to stop shedding.

"He needs to get away from her." Carlisle's affirmative tone concluded dryly. I felt a light stroke from my temple to my cheek trail hesitantly across my burning skin. I knew it was Alice, but I couldn't control my instinct to fight. Instead I screamed, letting my sudden pain loose as the girl beside Edward panted heavily. Her heart hammered harshly against her chest. Alice's tiny hands pulled away quickly as if they had been slapped.

"Emmett, Alice, Bella, get him back to the house. She's making him feel everything she is." Carlisle called over our screams to the three beside me.

The ground beneath me fell away from my body as Emmett's strong arms tossed me over one of his massive shoulders and ran quickly to the path we had only just taken. Lifting my head ever so slightly, I caught a glimpse of the now still body of the red haired girl lying in the clearing. From here, where the pain had subsided and the sight had lessened, she almost looked peaceful. It was as if she had meant to lie there under the parting sun of a new day. Maybe she was waiting for her family, or her friends, maybe even a boyfriend to share this morning with.

My head slumped down, hanging lifelessly off my brother's shoulder. She would not see her family, friends, or boyfriend again. The change was drawing to a close, for each beat from her heart brought her closer to death. A death she will have to live with forever.


:o wow...jkjk(: i wrote it -____- so howd i do with jasper??? r u gunna b mad at me now?? (^_^) but seriously do u like jasper POVs? this is the only one in this book (sadly..or if u didnt like it happily whaaa) ik this is confusing...but jasper is telling dee all of this so now she nos(: 





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