We Belong

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To my surprise, his grip intensified at my slack. I leaned into him happily, forgetting that Alice was watching. Jasper continued his explanation to the pixy beast.

"You're wrong about Dee. I can feel what she does, and I know that she loves me almost as much as I do her. If I knew someone like her was out there before we met, I wouldn't have said what I did for all those years and led you on like this. I can't be sorry enough, but...I do love her, not you."

Alice suddenly sat down on the wet grass and looked at her hands for a long moment. The Cullen family entered the small clearing from the side, and watched wide-eyed at what they had just heard. It felt like days while we all waited for someone to say something. Jasper traced circles on the back of my hand with his thumb while he stared sadly at his old 'love'. I watched her as well; unsure of the reaction we would get from all of the family.

"Is she the only reason we can't be together?" Alice suddenly asked in a broken voice. My head spun.

"What?" Jasper asked confused.

"Is she the only reason why you don't want to be with me?" She repeated, glaring up at me from her spot on the ground.

Jasper paused, glancing at me for a moment. "Yes, she is." She nodded thoughtfully for a moment. I heard an intake of breath from Edward as he read Alice's thoughts, Jasper stiffened.

"Then will you still love me after I kill her?" Suddenly, she was flying towards me, like a cheetah chasing its sorry prey. No one was prepared to stop her, Jasper was too slow and I hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. She slammed straight into me, causing us to fly across the clearing and take down a tree before stopping. I tried kicking her off of me, but the future had already told her to hold them down harder. Her strength faltered a little at what she was staring at before it would happen, I moved. I threw her over my body with the super strength I was thankful I had. Before Alice could land correctly, I was flying towards her. I grabbed onto her breakable shoulders easily and pinned her down below me.

"Uh oh, what's wrong with Jasper?" Alice sneered from the grass. Startled, I looked back through the dense trees. Empty. I realized too late she had distracted my thoughts. She pinned me under her like I had just had. Alice's tiny hands reached for my neck. I screamed. Her grip intensified. I knew she was going to snap it with ease.

Jasper suddenly came barreling through the forest. He launched himself at Alice roughly and tossed her into a tree. Alice landed perfectly on her feet against the tree and kicked herself off of it to land on top of me, breaking yet another tree in the process. I grunted as she picked me up violently by the neck. She threw me towards the Cullens small gathering. I landed on the hard ground in front of Carlisle. I scurried to my feet to see his expression of sadness showing me what was going on behind me. I turned to see Jasper throwing his arms into empty air. Then I realized Alice darting different ways at the last second whenever the future told her to move. Jasper screamed in frustration. I started towards them, but a hand held me back.

"I don't want Jasper to lose two of you tonight." Esme said with sadness in her voice that stopped me in my tracks. If I went back out there, Alice would surely kill me and Jasper would never forgive her.

I nodded. Carlisle, Edward, and Bella ran out to stop the violent battle unfolding before us. Rosalie held my hand as I watched Jasper be thrown from Alice's tiny grasp and slam harshly into the wet earth. Emmett stood in front of me, protecting in case they didn't stop her in time. I had caused this.

I watched in fury when Carlisle grabbed Jasper and held his thrashing body to the ground. His screams still echoed off the mountains as his hands came up empty of the small girl. Alice stopped long enough for Edward to restrain her from coming after me. Bella spoke franticly to her too low for me to hear. Whatever she was saying didn't make Alice look away from me with her death glare. I realized how hard I was crushing Rosalie's hand with my worry and anger directed at the tiny girl.

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