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I haven't edited this so let me know if anything is wrong with it.

// Jakob's point of view //

Sydney is getting boring. I've caught up with a couple of my old friends from my old school but other than that, there's not much to do. George and I have become a lot closer and we go out and play soccer a lot. It actually feels good to get my soccer muscles back. Other than soccer, I just sing. I'm teaching George guitar and now we have little jam sessions. It's pretty lame hanging out with your little brother more than your friends but I honestly don't mind at all. I was surprised at how much he actually cares about me.

Today we're going into the city to a market. Mums letting me take the car so we can go alone. Sydney traffic is always bad but for some reason, I feel patient today. After ten minutes stuck at the last traffic light, we make it past the intersection and the market comes into sight.

It takes us another twenty minutes to find a park and when we do, George and I get out quickly. We walk back down the road and enter the markets through a back gate.

"Where are we going first?" George asks.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"Music!" He says excitedly.

"You're definitely my little brother." I laugh as we continue to walk.

I guess I forgot I was famous. We're only in the music hall for a few seconds before we're stared at. Not just teenage girls, either. I can handle this with the other boys but not on my own. I just keep my head down and pretend to look busy, when in actual fact I'm freaking out.

"Do you want to go?" George asks. I just nod and let him lead me out of the hall.

"I'm sorry." I say once we're out the back, letting me catch my breath. Why do I freak out in situations like that? I should be able to handle it.

"No, it's okay, Jake. Let's go to another part." He tells me. I'm a little bit overwhelmed at how kind he's been through all of this.

I just nod as we walk away. I'm almost back to normal again when we reach the food part. George is looking at donuts when some familiar faces catch my eye. Lara is standing over by the churros stand with Sophia. There's another person too and I'm surprised it takes me so long to work out its Annabelle. My heart skips a beat and then drops. I'm sure Lara spots me but I run out of sight. Tears are forming in my eyes and a few fall. I'm almost fixed; why does seeing these people break me again? It's Annabelle. Just knowing she knows about me and doesn't approve hurts more than anything. I don't even know why.

"Jakob, wait!" I hear George calling after me. I almost forgot about him. My shit is falling apart again.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go. I promise I'll play soccer with you tonight." I tell him, walking quickly out of the nearest exit.


// Ethan's point of view //

I wake up cuddled right into Kade, my hand up the back of his shirt. The first thing I notice about the air around me is how cold it is. Maybe he was warmer under his shirt or something. From what I can see, it's still quite dark outside. I slip my hand out from underneath his shirt and check the time- 6:15. I make a split decision and slide out from under the sleeping bags and over to my bag. It takes me five minutes and I give up in finding a jumper. Instead I grab Kade's which is sitting on the floor of the van.

I sit in a little dip in the top of the sand hills and pull Kade's jumper sleeves down over my hands. The air is cold and the sun isn't even visible over the horizon yet. I know it will be soon though because the sky is tinged the littlest bit pink. I pull my legs to my chest and hold myself up. Kade and I took a pretty big step in our relationship last night. Well, for a lot of people it might not seem that way but for me, saying 'I love you' is pretty big. I don't regret it though. It just sort of leaves me feeling numb that I'm over Jakob because I thought I never would be. I wonder how he is? Should I call him? No. If I call him, I'm going to open up old wounds and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I'm not in love with him anymore.

"Is that my jumper?" A voice behind me breaks through my thoughts. I turn around to find a sleepy and cold looking Kade sitting down next to me.

"Sorry." I mutter, going to take it off.

"No, don't take it off," he tells me before standing up again. "It looks better on you, anyway."

Then he walks away. I'm too sleepy to be confused so I just sit there. The water is dark but I know that soon, it will be bright and blue and glittery. Maybe that's like Kade and I; when I was dark, he came along and made me bright again.

A few minutes later, I hear someone walking down the sand again. I turn around to see its Kade again, but this time he's carrying a blanket. He sits down to the right of me and without saying anything, he wraps his arm around my shoulders, bringing the blanket over me. I grab the other end and drag it down. Then Kade's arm slides down and rests around my waist, holding me protectively. I lean my head on his shoulder and move my hand over to his right thigh, holding his free hand. His hand is cold so I let go and move it back to his other one. I move it so that its resting under my shirt and against my skin for warmth. It's cold against me but the temperature slowly warms up again. I hold his right hand again.

"You're so cute, Ethan." Kade laughs softly after a few minutes. I open my eyes and move off of his shoulder to look up at him. He's not looking at me, so I surprise him by pecking his lips.

"Hey hey, I wasn't ready! Come back." He protests when I rest my head back on his shoulder without going back in.

"Nope." I tease, popping the 'p'.

Then he suddenly isn't sitting next to me anymore and does some spectacular roll and grab so I fall on top of his laying body. I just wriggle down a bit and rest my head on his chest, closing my eyes again. I find the blanket blindly and pull it so that its over us again.

"Come on, Bub, kiss me." Kade whines. That nickname caused my breath to hitch and I think he noticed.




He says every one with a soft poke to the side of my head. It's with the last one that I crack. 


I reach up and catch him by surprise again, crashing my lips into his in a way that is both soft and passionate. He's smiling into the kiss, which causes me to do the same. I pull away when I hear more footsteps, and look to see Chris. He's got his phone out which only means one thing: pictures.

"Ughh." I groan, burying my head back into Kade's chest.

"You'll thank me for that later." He tells us.

"Send it to me." Kade mutters. I sort of want to slap him now but to be honest, that would have been a cute photo.

A/N: I didn't know how to end it but I needed to finish so yeah. iM ActUalLY fReaKinG oUt aBoUt HonEsT iN mElBouRnE. LIKE IM DRIVING NINE HOURS FOR YOU IN STEREO FFS.
I can't even remember if I told you guys on here but I have a ticket to their show in Melbs and I'm meeting up with heaps of Internet friends so yay.

Torn // In Stereo (Jakob Delgado, Ethan Karpathy & Chris Lanzon)Where stories live. Discover now