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// Jakob's point of view //

"Wake up, we're going shopping," I jump on Ethan, earning a groan. "You did this to me so come on."

"I'm pretty certain you got me back for that already." He mumbles, his tone full of sleep.

"I will undress and drag you into the shower myself if you don't go." I tease, shaking his shoulders lightly. I somehow work my hands under his stomach, ready to tickle if I need to.

"Go for it."

I can literally hear the smirk in his tone. I muster all the strength I can and lift him up until I can get my whole arms around his torso, picking him up and dragging him out of bed. He kicks and screams in defence but it doesn't really get him anywhere. I stand up and carry him to the bathroom, his legs flailing about like an insect.

"Put me down!" Ethan yells as soon as I step into the bathroom. I do as he says and watch as he turns around, fighting a smile. He's trying to look angry but failing miserably.

"Bye!" I announce cheerfully, walking out and shutting the door before he can do anything.

I wait in my own room until I hear the bathroom door opening again. I quickly stand up and rush to the door so I can explain what we're going to do, but stop in my tracks when I see Ethan only in a towel wrapped around his waist.

"And guess who doesn't get to kiss me right now? Payback is a bitch, Jake." He says sassily as he walks past, not even looking at me until he turns around to shut his door, winking ever so slightly. God damn it.

I walk back over to my bed and unlock my phone again, deciding to go check my Instagram. As per usual, a ton of notifications fill my screen. I scroll through some of my tags and like a few pictures, commenting on a funny one of Ethan. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of Jethan edits in my recent tags and I can't help but smile. They really have no idea how real it is, do they? I wonder if we'll ever tell them?

"Where exactly is it that we're going?" Ethan asks from my doorway, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm going to buy you a new shirt." I announce, standing up and grabbing the keys and my wallet from the bedside cupboard.

"You don't need to buy me a new shirt." He sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

"Yes I do. Let's go." I decide, walking out of my room and out the front door.

Ethan and I spend the drive talking about next weeks photo shoot. We're all pretty excited about the release of this EP. This would have to be one of the biggest things we've done as a band and I guess we're all scared things could go wrong.

"Wait, how many weeks until it goes on sale?" I ask.

"Two. It's not that much time considering we haven't announced it, to be honest." Ethan shrugs.

We pull up outside the mall and take a few minutes to find a car park. Eventually we do and we get out of the car, walking quickly to the entrance. I wonder how long we can go without being stopped for photos? Maybe we can just get in and get out without a problem.

"I'll be quick, Jake. We should probably pick up some groceries while we're here." He reassures me. How is it that he always sees what's going on?

Ethan somehow finds a shirt within ten minutes and pays for it. Just as I'm starting to think we might have a fan-free shopping trip, a bunch of squeals behind us stops us in our tracks. Ethan looks at me and then smiles- my cue to do the same. We turn around to find a bunch of girls right behind us.

Torn // In Stereo (Jakob Delgado, Ethan Karpathy & Chris Lanzon)Where stories live. Discover now