Chapter Forty-five:

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The room was absolutely silent, save for the ticking of a wall-mounted clock. The black hands read seven o'clock in the evening.

Lying flat on her back, Hel stared vacantly up at the ceiling. Her mind refused to shut up.

Spike hadn't returned until nearly five in the morning, and in spite of her efforts to wait up for him the previous night, she had succumbed to sleep shortly before four thirty. She was awakened when he crawled into bed beside her, but passed out almost immediately afterward.

Her gaze dropped to his strong, lean arms, which were wrapped snugly around her waist. Without warning, he drew her even closer and pressed the solid wall of his chest against her back.

A soft sigh fell from his parted lips. Hel smiled, laying her hands atop his.

Stirring, his eyes pried opened. "Morning," he rasped into her ear, her familiar scent greeting his senses as he inhaled.

Reluctantly, she shifted as if to sit up and Spike released her from his embrace. "Morning." She dragged herself upright, leaning her back against the wall.

He cleared his throat, sat up, and peeled off the covers. Slipping out of bed, he went on the lookout for a fresh shirt.

"Where did you go last night?"

"Nowhere," he replied evasively, rifling amongst the few personal possessions he owned. "Just out."

She frowned. "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not."

Pursing her lips, Hel nodded woodenly. "Fine. As you wish." She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood. "It's none of my business." She strode briskly over to the door, her hand pausing on the brass knob. "You keep your secrets, and I'll keep mine."

And with that, she disappeared into the living room. The door slammed behind her.

Rolling his eyes, Spike cursed under his breath and donned a black shirt, neglecting the top button. He followed her out of the room and nearly ploughed directly into Xander.

Xander threw up his hands and took a step backward. "Hey! Watch it," he chided, brushing his hands down the front of the thin denim jacket he wore unbuttoned over his white T-shirt.

Folding his arms across his chest, Spike stood his ground.

"Look, I'm here to ask for your help." Xander tucked his hands into the front pockets of his brown trousers.

"With what?"

"Buffy, Dawn, Anya, and Willow are under some insane love spell. It's a long story, and we're more than a little short on time. I'll explain along the way."

"Sounds serious." Grabbing his jacket from where it was draped across the back of the armchair and shoving both feet into his black leather combat boots, Spike gestured towards the door. "After you."

Nodding appreciatively, Xander yanked open the door and they headed out.

Laying across the full length of the couch, Hel's head snapped up at the loud thud as it swung shut. Signing, she lowered her gaze and returned her focus to the novel in her hands.

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