Chapter Ninety-four:

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When Spike woke up the following night, he found himself alone. Assuring himself that Hel would be back shortly, he donned his black leather duster and went out for his first smoke, as per his usual routine.

Standing by the curb in front of the front lawn with a smouldering cigarette pinched between his teeth, he stared thoughtfully at the ground until the blades of grass blurred together. He glanced up as a black and white cruiser pulled up beside him.

The tinted passenger side window rolled down. Hel was seated comfortably behind the steering wheel, staring at him expectantly. "Need a lift?"

"Sweet ride. Where'd you get it?" Spike asked her curiously, raising his dark eyebrows at her. There was a distinct glint in his steel blue eyes, and an unspoken secret on his smirking lips. Trouble never looked so damn fine.

"I acquired it," she answered vaguely. "Now, are you going to stand there all night, or are you going to get in?"

He decided upon the latter, opening the door and climbing in. "You nicked it," he stated, simultaneously shocked by her nerve and impressed by the skill involved with such a risky —not to mention illegal— task.

She tilted her head to one side ever-so slightly. "Borrowed," she corrected. "If we're going to die tomorrow, we might as well go out in style."

"How did you know how to hotwire it?"

Hel shrugged. "It's one of those skills you never forget. Like riding a bicycle."

Spike softly bit his lower lip, a spark of mischief glinting devilishly in his eyes. "You're a piece of work," he remarked, eyes wide and lips spread into an incredulous smile, which smoothly transitioned to an expression of approval. "God, I love you."

She flashed him a sidelong smirk of her own in return. "I know."

The engine roared to life as she slammed down on the gas pedal and sped away from the curb, tearing recklessly down the road. Spike gaped at her in disbelief and admiration as she put the petal to the metal and accelerated even further. With a sharp twist of the steering wheel and an elated grin, she veered off to the right. The ride got a little bumpy as the car tires crossed over the gravel shoulder and trespassed onto the grass beside the road.

"You're barking mad!" He exclaimed, laughing in spite of himself. "Do you even know how to drive a car?"

"Well, I've never had any lessons, if that's what you're asking. But don't worry, I'm sure it's mostly intuitive," Hel replied, beaming deviously. "Why? Don't you trust me?"

A breathy chuckle escaping him, he ran the tip of his tongue lightly along his bottom lip. The corners of his bright eyes crinkled as his lips curved into a charismatic smile. "No."

She winked at him. "Smart man."

After she'd had her fill of danger-induced adrenaline, she parked the car in an abandoned parking lot downtown and shut off the engine. Then, she crawled into the back seat and sat cross-legged. He followed suit, sitting across from her with one leg stretched out across the seats and the other bent beside his seat.

"So... This is it. The eve before the big fight..." Spike remarked nervously.

"That it is," Hel agreed.

After that rather feeble attempt at conversation, an awkward silence settled between them.

His head turned toward her, his eyes locked onto hers, and her heart skipped a beat. Time seemed to stop, and it was as if nothing existed outside of that moment. It was indescribable, the way he made her feel.

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