Chapter Seventy:

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His mind went utterly blank, wiped clean by the shock of sensation. Spike struggled to process the events that were unfolding, frozen in place. Instinct took over, and his mouth moved hesitantly against hers of its volition.

Hel parted her lips from his and withdrew, her bright eyes endeavouring to decipher his reaction.

There was a tenderness in his eyes, a depth of emotion solely fixated on her. Lust smouldered just beneath the surface. Hands trembling, at last he touched her. The feather-light caress of his quivering fingertips as they grazed her jaw sent a domino effect of chills rippling along her spine.

A brilliant smile of relief spread across her lips.

Hel reached for him, her hands cupping either side of his face as her mouth merged with his once more. She kissed him with breathtaking passion, and he responded with equal fervour. Deep down in her bones, she knew that she loved him. But she didn't say it. Instead, she communicated her affection through touch, and hoped that he would understand.

Bending at the knees to accommodate their height difference, Spike hoisted her up onto the shelf behind her. She parted her legs, allowing him to step between her knees, and her thighs straddled either side of his hips.

His hands found their way to her waist, slipping under the hem of her pullover sweater. His fingertips stroked the elegant arch of her bare back, lightly tracing each ridge of her spine and caressing the naked softness of her skin. Her body was no colder than his own, nor was it warmer. A perfect match.

Her head was spinning, her breathing erratic. Her hands slid down to his shoulders and held on for dear life. She was drowning in him; his scent, his taste, his touch. There was nothing more intoxicating than mutual desire.

Her fingers teased the little blond curls at the nape of his neck, tangling in his hair.

An appreciative groan rose from the depths of his throat, a low, desperate noise somewhere between yearning and contentment. He pressed himself against her, succumbing to the desperate ache deep within him that begged for relief.

At long last, Hel surfaced for air, dizzy and off balance.

Looking thoroughly disheveled, Spike gazed at her in awe. "Where did that come from?" His voice was deliciously husky, lust lacing every word that fell from his enticing lips.

Clearing her throat and inhaling deeply to brace herself, she dodged his question. "We should be getting back. They might begin to wonder where we are."

He nodded reluctantly, his hands releasing her waist as he took a step backward, and she lowered herself down off the bookshelf. He studied her features leisurely, but with an intensity she couldn't fathom. The lure that she always felt towards him gave a tug, as if an inexplicable thread connected them. It was like magnetism.

Turning her back on him, Hel followed the aisle to the main foyer of the library and past the checkout desk. He followed her lead. They fell into step with one another, walking down the street side by side.

Upon arriving at the house, Spike locked the door behind them and turned to face her. Together they lingered in the front foyer, reluctant to part ways.

"I, uh, I should go have a shower." He muttered, breaking the silence. "I'll meet you downstairs, yeah?"

She nodded. "Alright."

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