Chapter Ninety-five:

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After Hel had given herself a brief moment to recover, she pushed Spike back against the car door and sat astride him. His hands rested on her hips as she straddled him, relishing the way he instantly relinquished command. Her heart was pounding, her breathing ragged.

"Are you sure?" He asked her softly, his eyes searching hers for any trace of doubt.

"Yes. Are you?"


Positioning her entrance over his length, she slowly pressed herself down onto him.

His eyes fell shut and his breath escaped in a shuddering sigh. His grip on her waist tightened as he buried his face in her neck. She tried not to show it, wanted desperately to ignore it and hope that it would pass, but the sensation stung. Hel paused, wincing.

Noticing, he froze, cursing at his own stupidity under his breath, and looked up at her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry. I've never done this before," She murmured, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Don't apologise," Spike whispered hoarsely. "Do you want to stop? We can if you want to. Just tell me."

"No, I... I want this."

"Okay. Just... relax."

He leaned up to kiss her as his hands applied gentle pressure to her hips, just enough to lower her onto him further. She gasped as he sheathed himself fully inside of her. He threw his head back and groaned, clutching onto her for dear life.

"Oh, Hel..." He moaned, trembling with the obvious restraint he was exerting over himself.

Gripping his shoulders, she lifted herself up until only his tip remained within her. Then, carefully, Hel sank back down. It became easier after a short while, the initial discomfort transforming into pleasure as she adjusted to his length.

"Are you alright?" Spike rasped, his fingertips digging into her thighs.

She nodded.

Swiftly, he pushed her onto her back and climbed atop her, reversing their positions. He propped himself up on his elbows, the fierceness of his kiss in stark contrast to the gentle thrust that accompanied it. Her breath hitched in her throat. Taking his sweet time, Spike set an excruciatingly slow pace as he slid in and out of her. She closed her eyes, savouring every sensation and matching him thrust for thrust.

Hel gave up trying to hide the various sounds he wrung from her, as his lips explored the column of her throat, kissing and sucking and nipping her skin. Some part of her hoped to discover bruises there in the morning.

"Hel... Look at me." He groaned, his breathing erratic.

She opened her eyes, and his lustful gaze flitted over her face briefly before he bent down and reclaimed her lips in a savage kiss.

He picked up the pace, slamming in and out of her. She leaned up, and his eyes rolled back as she began kissing his neck. His thrusts became increasingly erratic, his control slipping as he felt his release steadily approaching. His climax was building fast, climbing higher and higher. Then, at long last, Spike came, burying his face in the crook of her neck and groaning her name.

After taking a moment to recover, he gently pulled out, and they both rolled onto their sides, facing each other. They laid there together for a long moment, breathless and sated and glistening with sweat. The cold windows were foggy, drawing a veil between their intimacy and the outside world.

Opening his eyes, he trailed the soft tip of his index finger up her bent leg, from her ankle to the backs of her knees. Ascending along her outer thigh, his finger paused to lightly follow the stretch marks on either side of her hips. They were slightly grooved into her pale skin, and their delicate design resembled veins, only instead of being blue or green, they were ivory.

Sighing contentedly, she snuggled up against his body. He reached over her to retrieve his coat from the floor and draped it over both their naked bodies, wrapping one arm around her shoulders to hold her close.

"Goodnight, luv." Spike whispered lovingly, kissing her forehead.

"Mm... Goodnight." Hel breathed, nuzzling her cheek against his bare chest.

They were both awakened the next morning by sunlight filtering harmlessly through the heavily tinted car windows.

Squinting as his eyes adjusted, Spike propped himself up on one elbow, cradling the side of his head in his hand. He glanced down at Hel, who was stretched out on her stomach beside him. She appeared to still be sleeping.

Deciding to admire her nakedness while he had the chance, his eyes explored every last dip, protrusion, hollow and curvature. The entire length of her spine was tattooed. A vertical ribbon of entangled ivy trailed up her vertebrae in delicate swirls of dark emerald and graceful teardrop leaves. Reaching out, his fingertips traced the serpentine design lightly, then drifted along the thin blades of her shoulders. Her skin was as smooth and pale as ivory. As he began to map out the landscape of her back, she stirred.

"Mm." She grunted, clutching his leather duster to her chest as she sat up with reluctance. "What time is it?"

"No idea."

Collecting her clothes up off the floor, Hel slipped on her black halter top over her head and tied the strap at her neck. "We should probably get going soon." She suggested, wriggling into her skin tight, black leather mini-skirt.

Spike couldn't help but stare at her backside as she crawled up between the front seats and sat in front of steering wheel. The digital clock lit up when she turned on the radio, displaying the time. "We've got ten minutes. Get dressed."

"Oh, that's so close to the perfect sentence." He remarked, flashing her a crooked smile from the backseat. He snatched up his black T-shirt from the floor and yanked it on over his head, then joined her in the front.

Angling the rearview mirror, Hel checked out her reflection. "Shit..." She muttered under her breath, attempting to tame the wild curls of her post-coital bed head. "I look like a mess."

"Nonsense, luv. You always look beautiful."

Once they were both decent, she ignited the engine and pulled the stolen police cruiser away from the curb.

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