Chapter Ninety:

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Giles, Dawn, Hel and the potentials were gathered in the living room, anticipating Xander's return from the hospital. A hastily made yellow banner hung over the fireplace, with 'WELCOME HOME' written across it in red paint.

After much waiting on their behalf, Buffy and Willow entered, escorting Xander into the room. Faith and Principal Wood followed.

A black eyepatch strapped onto his left eye, Xander took in the scene before him incredulously. "Oh, God."

Kennedy smiled. "We didn't have time to do more. You just have to pretend there's a big party here."

Crossing the room, Dawn embraced Xander tightly and held it for a few moments before finally releasing him.

"That's fine." Xander replied. "Parties in this house, I usually end up having to... Rebuild something."

"Welcome home, Xander." Buffy remarked, smiling. "I wanted you to be here for this. I think you'll be interested in what I found out."

"W-what did you find out?" Willow inquired, frowning slightly.

"I-it's about the cellar. Look, I know that night wasn't fun for any of us... But I figured some things out about that place, and I realise now what we have to do." Buffy began, pausing momentarily at the concerned expression with which Giles regarded her. "We're going back in."

A stunned silence settled over the room, as everyone exchanged glances that ranged from wary and confused to downright pissed off. Xander took a seat on the overstuffed armchair, while Dawn perched on the arm. Willow and Kennedy sat down on the sofa. Standing beside Willow, Anya folded her arms across her chest.

"Look, I know what you're thinking, but I had a visit at the school today from Caleb." Buffy declared.

"Buffy, why didn't you—" Dawn started, but was interrupted by her sister.

"I'm fine. I mean, it wasn't fun, but I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I-I figured something out. He keeps making all this noise about the school."

"Is it that seal again?" Interjected the Principal.

"Do we need to try shutting it again?" Willow joined in.

"No, that just it. We've spent all this time worrying about the seal and the Hell Mouth. Why isn't Caleb guarding them? Why doesn't he have someone there protecting it?  Why is he camped out at the vineyard? The bad guys always go where the power is. So if the seal was so important to Caleb and the First, they would be there right now. They're protecting the vineyard, or something at the vineyard. I say it's their power, and I say it's time we go in and take it from them."

At her proposition, Xander shook his head and stared at the floor. Giles uncrossed his arms and sighed.

"Are you insane?" Hel scoffed. "You're going to get everyone killed."

From her position beside the Principal, Faith spoke up. "Or, in the alternative, how 'bout we... Don't? I mean, it's a neat theory, B, but I'm not going back in that place, not without proof, and neither should you and neither should they."

"I'm not saying it's gonna be easy." Buffy retorted.

"I think Faith had the floor." Principal Wood intervened.

"Maybe it ends okay the way you wanna play it, but maybe it doesn't. And right now, I don't think I want you playin' the odds." Faith continued.

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