Chapter Sixty-five:

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The basement clock struck one A.M.

Spike and Hel sat cross-legged and opposite from one another on his cot. The Scrabble board was set up between them, adorned by interlocking combinations of wooden letters arranged in rows and columns. They had to be careful not to bump it, lest their words be knocked askew.

"I don't believe I have ever met someone so rubbish at Scrabble." He chuckled, shaking his head at her in disbelief.

She feigned hurt feelings, flattening the palm of her open hand against her chest and dropping her jaw dramatically. "I thought you were my friend!"

"I am." He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. His eyes were glinting playfully. "But it is my duty, as your friend, to inform you that you are horrendous at this game."

With a good-natured roll of her eyes, she sighed. "I give up. You win."

Biting his lower lip ever-so slightly, he tilted his head curiously. "Oh, I do, do I?" His gaze darkened, and the flirtatious air surrounding them dissipated, replaced by something much headier. "What's my prize?" Spike whispered. His eyes flicked down to her mouth, then slightly lower to her chest, and finally returned to study her incredulous expression.

She opened her mouth as if to speak. Closed it. Her mind seemed to have short circuited. Hel could do nothing but stare at his mouth, thinking about how irresistibly soft his lips looked.

"Hey, we're about to head out with the Potentials for some slayer training." Interrupted Xander's voice from the staircase, as he descended the steps. "So, if you two could be ready in about five, that would be great." He paused at the foot of the stairs, staring at them expectantly.

Turning away from Spike, she cleared her throat and hastily stood up. "I'm ready."

"Just let me put a shirt on and I'll be right up." Spike replied.

Xander nodded, regarding them with mild confusion. He knew he had walked in on something, but he didn't know what. "Alright then." He headed back upstairs, his hand sliding along the railing as he ascended with heavy footsteps.

Wordlessly, Hel followed suit.

Shortly afterward, everyone was gathered in a nearby cemetery.

Rona and Vi were the first to volunteer as examples for the lesson, armed with wooden stakes as they wandered apprehensively between headstones.

Without warning, Spike lunged at Rona and knocked her to the ground. In vampire visage, he blocked Vi's attempt at impaling him by capturing her hand and twisting her arm behind her back. Locking his other arm across her throat, he effectively immobilised her. Growling, he lowered his mouth to her neck threateningly.

Vi let out an ear-piercing scream.

Spike lifted his head, as his demonic features retreated and vanished from sight.

A frightened squeak escaped from Vi's mouth. 

"Okay, these two are dead." Spike declared. "Why?"

Rona got to her feet, dusting herself off. "'Cause the black chick always gets it first?"

"Ow!" Vi exclaimed, uncomfortable in Spike's headlock.

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