Chapter Ninety-one:

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Descending the front steps and stepping out from under the porch roof, Hel found herself at the mercy of the elements as rain began to fall from the murky sky above.

What started as a small trickle soon transformed into a torrential downpour. The streets were drenched, and ditches became streams. The silence was frequently shattered by a rumble of thunder, and the darkness occasionally fragmented by a flash of lightning. Within minutes, she was soaked. Wrapping her arms around herself, she bowed her head against the gusts of wind that battered her body and whipped her hair in every which direction.

Eventually, she arrived at the Bronze and took shelter inside.

Meanwhile, back at the Summers residence, everyone —minus Buffy— was gathered in the kitchen when Spike and Andrew returned.

"Spike." Giles acknowledged.

"Hey." Spike replied.

Entering the room shortly after Spike, Andrew set his helmet on a shelf and immediately began rambling: "Hi, everybody. I missed you guys a lot. Sorry it took so long to get back from our mission-mission, but we had to wait out the sun. Well, I think our mission went very well. We, uh, we rode on Spike's hog, which was very cool, and, uh... Uh, played some amusing games, and—oh? We got some new information. You know what? I really need to urinate." And with that, he left as abruptly as he arrived.

"He's a breath of fresh air, isn't he?" Spike remarked. "Thank God I don't breath. So, I think we've got a lead. Where's Buffy?"

"Um..." Dawn averted her gaze guiltily. "She's not here right now."

"When's she getting back?"

Wringing her hands nervously,Willow stepped forward. "Uh... While you were gone, we all got together and t-talked out some disagreements we were having. Um... And eventually, after much discussion, Buffy decided that it would be best for all of us if she took a little time off, a little breather."

Eyes wide, Spike stared at her in disbelief. "Uh-huh. I see. Been practicing that little speech long, have you?"

Feeling ashamed under his scrutiny, she turned and padded to the back of the kitchen.

"So, uh, Buffy took a little time off right in the middle of the apocalypse, and it was her decision?" Spike continued, sceptical.

"Well, we all decided." Xander interjected.

"Oh, yeah. You all decided." Spike shook his head, chuckling darkly. "You sad, sad, ungrateful traitors. Who do you think you are?"

"We're her friends." Willow spoke up again, "we just want—"

"Oh, that's ballsy of you. You're her friends, and you betray her like this?" Spike retorted.

"You don't understand—" Giles began, but was interrupted.

"You know, I think I do... Rupert." Spike snapped disdainfully, eyeing him with disgust. "You used to be the big man, didn't you? The teacher all full of wisdom. Now Buffy's surpassed you, and you can't handle it. She has saved your lives again and again. She's died for you. And this is how you thank—"

"Hey." Faith intervened. "Why don't you take it down a notch or two? The time for speech-giving is over, bat boy."

His brow furrowing, Spike glanced around the room briefly and noticed that someone was missing from the discussion. "Where's Hel?"

"Buffy kinda, sorta, um... Kicked her out." Willow answered him timidly, uncertain how he would react.


Faith shrugged it. "The way she was talking to Buffy, she had it coming."

Spike raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh, is that right?"

"Yeah, that's right. She has quite the mouth on her, that one."

"You're walking on very thin ice—"

Faith rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Save your lack of breath."

Spike shrugged. "Alright." Without warning, his fist shot forward and landed a hard punch against her cheek, whipping her head to one side.

Facing him, Faith grinned, "You're pretty sweet on her, aren't you?" Her foot swung upward and kicked him swiftly in the face. "I think it's cute."

"Enough!" Giles shouted at them.

Against Giles' command, a fist fight ensued, as Spike delivered another blow and Faith sent him sailing into the dining room with a single kick. He slid across the table and landed on the floor with a thud. She followed him into the room and began repeatedly punching him in the face. Kicking her off of him, he leapt to his feet.

"Where is she?' Spike demanded, his nostrils flaring and eyes flashing furiously.

"I don't know."

Infuriated, Spike hit her once more, then spun around and stormed out the front door.

Faith didn't follow. She simply wiped the smear of blood from the corner of her mouth and watched him leave.

Swaggering down the path beside the driveway, Spike paused on the sidewalk. Shutting his eyes and inhaling deeply, he caught her scent with ease. Opening his eyes, he started down the street. He tracked her to the Bronze, sauntered in, and spotted Hel within moments.

Winding his way through the crowd, Spike ascended the narrow, wrought iron stairway to the upper balcony.

She leaned forward with her forearms on the metal rail, overlooking the sea of swaying bodies on the dance floor.

He strode silently over to stand behind her. "What's a girl like you doin' in a place like this, luv?"

"Just passing the time." She replied softly.

That was a lie. In actuality, she was endeavouring to rid her mind of his persistent occupancy. Hel had been mulling it over for a while now, and had come to the conclusion that a future with him was a fantasy she couldn't afford to entertain. The singular fixation of her thoughts wasn't his fault, of course, but the product of her own misguided sentiments.

His chest brushed her back and the toes of his leather boots grazed her heels. He reached forward to grip the rail with both hands, his arms framing either side of her shoulders.

She turned around, pressing her back against the rail. "How did you know I was here? Did you see me?"

"When do I not see you?"

"What? Once face in all that crowd?"

"There was a crowd, too?"

Her mouth twisted into a wry smile.

In response, a radiant and relieved grin broke across his handsome face.

Under his intent gaze, her pulse quickened and a blush warmed her cheeks.

His smile fading, Spike removed one of his hands from the rail. "Want to get out of here? Find somewhere to stay for a bit, maybe get some rest?" He suggested, his fingertips caressing her arm with long, languid strokes. "I know you haven't slept much in the last couple of days."

"I'm fine." She lied.

"No, you're not." His fingers slid down to her hand, intertwining with hers. "Come on. I'm sure there's an abandoned house nearby where we can stay."

Hel gave in, allowing him to lead her down from the balcony and out of Sunnydale's only nightclub.

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