Chapter Sixty-two:

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Fixing herself a heaping bowl of fresh strawberries, Hel returned to the living room and plopped onto the armchair.

Three Potentials were lined up in sleeping bags on the floor, lying on their stomachs with their heads propped up in their hands.

"Annabelle was all 'Control your fear, control your fear'." Molly remarked from her seat on a chair in front of them. "Meanwhile, she's the one that goes scampering off, right into that Turok-Han vampire. Poor Annie."

"Great. So the Slayer who's supposed to protect us let her get killed?" Interjected a blond Potential whose name Hel couldn't recall, her voice twanging with a Southern accent.

"She didn't let her. Annabelle was foolish. Buffy can't be faulted by arriving too late." Molly corrected her.

The Hispanic, brunette-haired girl sat up. "It's not like she could've stopped it. I mean, the super vampire messed her up pretty good."

"No lie, she still looked like a big bruise when I got here, and that was already, like, the day after." Added a red-headed young woman.

Hel ate her ripe, juicy strawberries, listening as they went back and forth, each girl speaking her mind in turn.

"And why isn't she back yet?" Replied the blond Potential. "Buffy. She left to get the new girl over an hour ago. Maybe she ran into trouble. You don't think she was too late again?"

"Maybe—" Began Molly.

"Maybe we can save the 'maybes' for a more day-ish part of the day, girls." Xander intervened, sprawled out along the full length of the couch. He leaned over to switch on the side table lamp. "Potential Slayers can function without sleep. Me, I'm not good without my usual ninety minutes."

"I'm with him." Andrew joined in from the neighbouring room. "Keep the chatter down! Or, speak up so I can hear you." His voice trailed off into mumbles.

Rolling her eyes at their incessant prattling-on, Hel stood from her seat on the armchair and brought her empty bowl to the kitchen. She deposited it on the countertop, glancing out the small window above the sink. Sunset was at least two hours away. There was plenty of time to kill before the creatures of the night became a threat.

Heading out the back door, she descended the short flight of creaky, wooden porch steps and crossed through the yard. She made her way through the border of bushes and emerged on the adjacent street.

Hel didn't have a destination in mind. She just knew that if she stayed in that house any longer, she would go completely mad.

Shortly after she left, it began to rain. Buckets poured down from the dark mass of storm clouds above, seeping through her clothing and plastering her hair to her head. But, being the stubborn woman she was, she just kept on walking. Hel was adamant not to be deterred by something as pathetic as the weather.

A little over an hour later, Xander opened the door to discover Hel standing outside. She was soaking wet from head to toe, water dripping off of her and onto the porch. He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly, but was wise enough not to say anything.

She moved past him, ascending the staircase, and ducked into the bathroom for a long, hot shower.

Once her hair was squeaky-clean, her skin washed, and her body relaxed by the soothing stream, she stepped out. Hel towel-dried herself off and combed out the tangles in her damp black hair. After donning an oversized black T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, she emerged from the bathroom. She strode through the hall and started down the stairs.

Halfway to the bottom, she came to an abrupt halt.

Night had fallen while she was showering, and it seemed that they had been paid a visit right on schedule. The Turok-Han stood in the foyer, the door behind him torn off its hinges.

"I've missed something, haven't I?" Hel remarked, arching one dark eyebrow.

"Saepio impedimentum!" Cried Willow, materialising a protective barrier to contain the intruder.

"It's working." Chloe stated hopefully.

"For the moment." Added Vi.

"Will—" Buffy said worriedly.

"It's— it's strong." Willow stammered, struggling to keep the Turok-Han at bay.

"It's hurting her." Kennedy observed, concern colouring her voice.

"Hang on, Willow." Buffy urged her.

Willow looked about to collapse. "I don't know."

"She can't hold it." Dawn warned.

Rona, a mocha-skinned Potential with long, ebony dreadlocks, began to panic. "What do we do? What do we do?"

"Run." Buffy instructed. "Everybody, run."

The Turok-Han pressed against the barrier, continuing its efforts to break through.

Everyone made their getaway, with the exception of Hel, Buffy, and Willow, who held their ground until the last possible moment. Xander lead the young women outside, wielding a battle axe as he headed right for the gathering of black-cloaked Harbingers that awaited them. Without missing a beat, Kennedy took out a few with her cross-bow.

Xander was overpowered, robbed of his axe, and hand-to-hand combat ensued. Just as the Harbinger was preparing to deliver a lethal swing of the axe, Buffy stabbed him from behind.

"Come on!" She called out, and together they caught up to the others.

Once they were assured that enough distance was between the First's agents and themselves, the group paused to discuss a plan.

Xander tossed a wary glance over his shoulder. "Okay, no Bringers following. I guess they'll save us for old snaggle-tooth."

"Where is the Turok-Han?" Willow inquired.

"Right behind us." Buffy replied. "Time to Split up."

"Split up?" Blurted Molly, panicking. "We're splittin' up? Is that wise?"

"Willow, take everybody and find a safe location." Buffy instructed.

"I know a place." Interjected Xander.

"What are you gonna do?" Dawn asked her sister anxiously.

"Gonna try to slow the Turok down. Lead him away from you guys. Get him to chase me."

"Buffy, you can't take that thing by yourself." Dawn protested.

"I'll stay." Offered Kennedy.

"No!" Buffy snatched the glass bottle of holy water from Andrew.

"H-hey! I need that." He whined.

"Willow, Xander: take everyone to a safe location. Get 'em out of here. Now!"

Begrudgingly, Dawn allowed herself to be lead away by Xander, along with everyone except Buffy, who faced the Turok-Han behind her.

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