Chapter 10

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A/N: here's a pic if me to let u know I'm not dead!

•{Chloe's POV}•

I woke up at 6 the next morning with a very nauseating feeling in my stomach making me rush to the toilet. I made it just in time and spewed my guts into the toilet.

My throught burns and my head is pounding. Just when I thought it was over I felt the need to throw up again so I lent over the toilet letting out the contents of  my stomach. I felt Luke pull my hair back into a makeshift ponytail. Whispering soothing words into my ear.

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay" "relax" he kept repeating. I finally finished and he wiped a cloth over my face gently getting the sweat off my face. He helped me stand up and walked me over to the sink and held me up while I brushed my teeth.

He carried me over to the bed and sat me on the bed and helped me get under the covers. He kissed my forehead whispering a small "I love you". That's all I heard before I passed out cold.

(Luke's POV)

I knew why she threw up. The process has begun. I know, your probably like 'what process'. Well there's a process you have to go through when you find your mate to have a full connection. Step 1: obviously, find your mate, 2: get your mate pregnant, 3: turn them.

Just one more step to go. God, please don't let her hate me when I tell her. I would never be able to live with myself if she hated me. To pass time I decided to call The guys over and chat for a bit.


"So I have something you guys should know" I said lowly. They gave me looks as to say 'move on' so I continued. "Well, second step accomplished" is all I needed to say for them to understand what I was getting at. "Luke that's awesome", "your gonna be a dad", "awwww, congrats luke" was all thrown at me at ounce. "Thank you gu-".

We were interrupted by this loud thump and a muffled scream come from upstairs. We sped into my room to find Chloe no where to be found and the window wide open.

I instantly start panicking. I start looking for a note, a sign, something to help me find out who took her. After 2-3 minutes of looking around I spotted a note taped onto the windowsill.

Dear Luke, I have your precious pregnant little friend with me. If you ever want to see her again meet me at the old worn down ware house on kings dr. At 11:45 p.m. DONT BE LATE OR YOULL REGRET IT.

                  P.s: good luck


Haha. I'm evil!

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~peace out Girl Scout!✌️

~peace out Girl Scout!✌️

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Kidnapped by my vampire Mate: A 5sos/Luke Hemmings fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu