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Your eyelids slowly flutter open, waking up from the first settling dream in years. Sunlight streams from the window, into the room. You slowly sit up, and see Matt and Mello, already sitting in chairs next to your bed, scrolling through their phones. Matt looks up from his phone, and sees you sitting, wide awake.

"Good morning, (f/n)!" Matt cheerfully says.

He rests his warm hand onto your cheek. You grin.

"Good morning, Matt."

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks, concerned.

You nod.

"Well that's good to hear." Said Mello.

The three of you conversed for the rest of the day, until it was time for them to leave you, again.

You stayed in the hospital for a few more days, slowly recovering. The number of tubes in your arms decreased a bit each day during your stay. Matt and Mello visited you every day. Sometimes they stayed with you for the whole day, other times, they dropped by for only a few minutes. Occasionally, Near would join you guys, bringing an assortment of toys along, with him.

Soon, you were able to stand on your own two feet again and leave the hospital.

The first thing you did once you could leave the hospital was to visit Roger. Roger took longer to recover, as he's broken multiple bones in his body,  (apparently) was bleeding internally,  andhe has to go through therapy. So, with Mello and Matt, you went and bought a bouquet of lilacs (Rogers favorite flowers from Watari's garden) and stepped inside his hospital ward. 

Roger was sitting up on his bed, propped up by a few pillows. Most of his bruises are faded and gone, but he still has many fractures in his ribs, shoulder-blades and legs. Youhid the bouquet behind your back. 

"Why hello, (f/n), Matt and Mello!" Roger spoke (well, more like wheezed).

"Has Linda given you the journal?" He asked.

You nodded.

"Good. I wanted to give you the journal once you leave Wammy's House, but you suddenly left one night..."

"But I'm glad the journal's safe in your hands, you must treasure it, treat it like your most precious item, or something more than that."

"I will, Roger. Thank you for risking your life to protect that journal for us." You thanked him.

"My pleasure."

"Oh, and we also want to give something to you:" You reveal the bouquet of the sweet-scented purple and white lilacs and place it in a vase, on a small table beside his bed.

"Thank you, (f/n), Matt and Mello! I'm glad that you remembered that those are my favorite flowers from Watari's garden." He grinned, a small, wry grin that lit up his whole face.

"Well, we better be going, get well soon!" Said Mello.

"Thank you. All the best for you too."

"Bye Roger, I hope the orphanage is doing well under Linda's care!" Said Matt.

"I hope so too, Matt."

"Bye Roger, we'll meet again someday!" You waved at him.

Roger waved back.

The three of you walked out of the door, and made your way out of the hospital.

Your life got hectic again. The minute you were able to stand, you had to get back to work, interviewing Roger, filling out mountain-loads of paperwork, getting through the long, enduring process of battling the criminals in court, etc. But in the end, all your hard work paid off and you were able to beat the organization in court and arrest their members.

Fractured Ties (A Death Note Matt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now