Crazy fangirl

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"LIAM!" I shout enraged. We happened to be filming the video for best song ever and Liam kept screwing up. Screwing up over, and over again. I think this was our 20th take on this one scene?

"SHUT UP HARRY! YOU CAN'T DO ANY BETTER!" he yells giving me a hard glare

"ACTUALLY YEAH I CAN CAUSE IM NOT THE ONE WHO NEEDS 20 TAKES!" I reply giving him my most intimidating look.

"will you two just shut up and get along? Cause I think thats a better idea than just fighting!"

Me and Liam both look at Louis disgusted. Like honestly who does this guy think he is? He is usually the one fighting with me so he can't say much! I was about to say a smart ass reply, but he turns and walks away. I can see the director walking our way looking REALLY pissed off...

"listen up boys and listen good! You either start working together and getting along or I will, I'll, umm, I'll get Simon on the phone! Yeah! And he will definitely give you a piece of his mind about your whole sh*t show! Got it?" he looks at us expectantly.

"Yeah whatever, but here's a suggestion. If your gonna threaten us, make it before you come over here and talk to us." I tell him as I walk away.


"Alright, how about you boys go out for lunch and then come back when your done, yeah?" the producer suggests running a hand through his thinning hair. Out of the corner of my eye I see Niall perk at the sight of food and I can't help but chuckle a bit. Liam had finally gotten that seen done and we had done a couple more. It actually was kinda fun, but of course Niall and Louis started to fight and we couldn't get much done.

"Where are we gonna go?" Zayn questions

"I'm going to Starbucks! If ya wanna join me feel free!" Niall says his stomach rumbling

"I'm good with Starbucks!" Louis exclaims. Liam and Zayn nod and murmur a yes and they all turn to me expectantly. I shrug and start walkin with the rest of them towards the exit.

"And boys!" our stylist Lou yells "try to make it look like you DON'T want to murder one another. For the fans, yeah?". We nod and shuffle out the door.


"Umm, and I'll have, uh, just a chocolate chip muffin please" Zayn orders and pays for his muffin and we all Stan there awkwardly.

"So do you guys wanna sit down or..." I trail off not knowing what to do with myself.

"Let's just sit down and 'talk'" Louis suggests walking towards a table in the back.

We follow and each pull out a chair, the scraping sound making me wince. After we sit, it gets extremely awkward and I find myself very uncomfortable.

"Sooo? Hows, umm, life" Liam asks causing the awkwardness to increase. We nod and mumble goods whilst sipping our coffees and eating. I tap my fingers on the table and Zayn shoots me an annoyed look. I roll my eyes and stop looking out the window as I drink my latte. All five of our heads shoot up when we here a high pitched scream. I cringe when I see a fourteen year old girl pointing at us her mom rolling her eyes. She runs over and squeals once again.

"OH MY GOOOOD! I LOVE you guys! Like seriously LOVE you! I went to your concert a couple nights ago, and like, wow you guys are so awesome! Oh my god, can I have a picture?!" she rambles. Before we can respond she has already pulled out her phone and has squishes up between us. We give fake smiles and she squels AGAIN!

"Oh my god! Now Harry and Niall kiss my cheek!" she says rather rudely. We share a look and do as she says the rest of the boys backing out of the picture.

"OH MY GOD! Thanks so much! Can you guys follow me on twitter? It's Layla_1D (fake :))" she asks once again very rudely.

"Yeah sure, kid" Zayn nods trying desperately to make her leave.

"THANK YOU! I love you guys!" she screams as her mom drags her away.

We all seem stunned as we replay what the hell just happened in our minds.

"It's girls like those that make you say 'were they dropped on their heads as children" Niall says trying to lighten the mood. We all grin an continue our lunch. Wow.. We're actually getting along? That's, weird. In a good way! 'Maybe we can make a friendship' I think to myself as I stare out the window 'maybe, just maybe...


If Someone's reading this, then please tell people about this fanfic. Do it! Right now! Go tell people! Please? I'm begging you! Okay I'm done my rant! :)

Chuck Norris is the only person on earth who can kick you in the back of the face!

Ps. Vote and comment? ;)

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